Fearing the Clouds

Ken Ring

The chem-trail conspiracy theory says some trails sprayed by jet aircraft at high altitudes are chemical or biological poisons in order to cause earthquakes and control weather.

These are apparently programs by foreign governments to develop new highly secret weapons of mass destruction, acting under hidden names like HAARP.

Some claim these trails consist of laboratory-created RNA, aluminium oxide, ethylene dibromide, barium, and other yucky things. Known side effects are said to be increased cases of nosebleeds, asthma, allergies, pneumonia, and upper respiratory complaints with flu-like symptoms.

Nosebleeds are not exactly Star Wars. Let's look at what is claimed, compared to known science.

Vapour trails from planes can indeed appear around earthquake times and higher air pressure.

There is a correlation, but not a causal one, just as there is a correlation to birds going silent, but sparrows turning down tweets won't trigger seismic action.

You see exhaust trails in high-pressured cooler air because the jets' vapour has turned to ice. Higher pressure can be electro-statically charged.

Earthquakes are caused by stress on the earth's electromagnetic field caused by increased solar activity. Higher-pressured air can therefore signal the timing of earthquakes.

There have been contrails since 747's started flying above 35000 feet, around and above which you may see ice cirrus.

In your fridge ice is made when a gas undergoes high pressure from a pump. Higher-pressured skies tend to be clear and cold, whereas lower pressure makes clouds form. Cirrus shows you the areas of higher pressure.

Warm vapour hitting cold air becomes visible, as when you exhale onto a freezing window.

A high trail of ice cannot cause the ground hundreds of miles away to rise up at speed. Otherwise every cirrus would cause earthquakes.

Plus there is no way that a plane can fly in a high, dry, cold, ice zone without leaving a trail.

Some have called contrails, "fake-cirrus" clouds. But there is no such thing as a fake cloud. If you see it, it is a cloud.

A cloud is visible vapour. Remember in chemistry at school and the teacher saying, did the test tube go cloudy? The teacher didn't say "fake-cloudy".

No one is doubting the ongoing hardships and edginess of the long-suffering people of Christchurch. But it is unhelpful to look up and declare that one cloud is the real McCoy, but another one is not and should be feared, and that to be on the safe side one should be scared of anything that looks unfamiliar or that comes out of jets.

Children have long been abused with fictions of CO2 perils, rising sea-levels, ozone holes and climate change.

They already think if they don't turn lights off when leaving every room, the sea will instantly rise behind the house and flood the world.

They are warned that if they don't recycle their aluminium drink can, Antarctica will break up and it will be partly their fault. Now they have certain clouds to have fearful nightmares about. Thanks parents, good job.

Basic school-science should be revisited. Any visible fuel emission is water vapour. All other gases are invisible.

Even black diesel logging truck smoke is 99% steam, with enough unburned fuel to discolour it. The steam part goes up to join the clouds. The rest drops to earth.

It is not scientific enough to look up and see a contrail, feel an earthquake or see a storm, and conclude that one causes the other. There are chemicals in the air spread by enviro-vandals in the name of cloud-seeding.

But cloud-seeding has never been proven and it is never certain that a weather event wasn't going to happen anyway.

Whether or not any man-made process can control weather is easily settled.

Those who claim chemtrails and HAARP are to blame for dire events need to name just one extreme weather occurrence in NZ in recent times that we all know about, that was unprecedented and came with no warning, and that unbeknownst to us was entirely and secretly Man-made.

A simple clear prior letter of intent is accepted as more than ample evidence in any court of law.

Naming well beforehand who is planning to make such an extreme event happen would seal the proof it can be done. The announcement could be public and describe when and where.

Even more believable would be to make a weather event happen where it normally wouldn't, like a dust-cloud on the South island's West Coast, a summer snow-storm at Whitianga, or a July heat-wave in Invercargill.

Doing this publicly on at least ten different occasions would demonstrate once and for all that Man now has this capability. All the chemtrailers need is a rented plane and a topdressing kit. Given the pleadings to be as concerned as they are, it's not an unreasonable ask.

Until then, they should leave the kids in peace. It's hard enough growing up without "saving the planet" being added to your list of daily chores.

For more writing from Ken Ring, visit www.predictweather.com