Alligator-like reptile relocated after being discovered in Toronto home
An alligator-like reptile has found a new home after city staff discovered it had been living in a Toronto residence for over a decade, contrary to the city's bylaws.
Toronto Animal Services says it was alerted in December about a spectacled caiman, a reptile that's part of the same animal family as alligators and crocodiles, at a home in the city.
The owner had been in possession of the caiman for 12 years but was unaware that it was illegal, said Jasmine Herzog, manager of the enforcement and mobile response unit for Toronto Animal Services.
The owner agreed to hand over the animal voluntarily and it was relocated to the Indian River Reptile Zoo, a non-profit zoo located east of Peterborough, Herzog said in an email.
The caiman has been relocated to the Indian River Reptile Zoo, a non-profit zoo located east of Peterborough, Toronto Animal Services said. (Facebook/Toronto Animal Services)
The fine for having a prohibited animal is $240, but the city agreed to waive the fine for this owner because they had no prior knowledge of the bylaw.
Herzog says this case highlights the importance of knowing which animals aren't allowed in Toronto "and to fully research the needs of any pet prior to bringing one into your home."
Other animals that are banned under the city's prohibited animals bylaw include ducks, chimpanzees and other primates, bats, coyotes, goats, bears — and the city's unofficial, garbage bin-raiding mascot, the raccoon.