Despite cost increases, work on track for new Miramichi rec complex

The multiplex will include an 1,800-seat arena as well as an indoor walking track, pool and gym. (Submitted by City of Miramichi - image credit)
The multiplex will include an 1,800-seat arena as well as an indoor walking track, pool and gym. (Submitted by City of Miramichi - image credit)

Arbec Forest Products has made a $4-million donation to the Miramichi multiplex project in exchange for naming rights to the building, arena and a nearby soccer field for the next 25 years.

The money is a welcome boost for the 1,800 seat arena and pool complex that was originally announced at a cost of $58 million. Since then, the cost has increased to $67 million, then $85 million and is now at $98 million.

"The city's been planning for this from a financial perspective for a very long time," said Mayor Adam Lordon.

The province has already agreed to contribute $12 million, and the federal government $18 million. But with about $7 million expected from donations, that leaves the city footing the remaining $61 million.


"We've absorbed all the additional cost increases with the inflationary environment ... So we've absorbed an additional about $30-million ourselves. And we've had the capacity to do that without tax increases, additional borrowing reserves that we had saved and by slowing down some other capital projects in the short term," Lordon said.

Miramichi mayor Adam Lordon says the city is footing the majority of the bill for the multiplex, but will not be raising taxes because of the increased costs.
Miramichi mayor Adam Lordon says the city is footing the majority of the bill for the multiplex, but will not be raising taxes because of the increased costs.

Miramichi Mayor Adam Lordon says the city is footing the majority of the bill for the multiplex, but will not be raising taxes because of the increased costs. (Victoria Walton/CBC)

"Arbec stepping up like this and setting that bar will allow us to raise multiple millions more from the community," said Lordon at the announcement of the sponsorship this week.

"Every little bit of that is going to be so important as we continue to finish up construction here in the next year and a half."


WATCH | Arbec Forest Products will decide name of new centre after $4M donation:

Arbec is a Quebec-based company, but operates a mill in Miramichi with 150 employees. It's owned by Joey Saputo, who also owns the dairy products company Saputo.

"A lot of our employees work here and live here in the community, and we knew there was going to be some sponsorship needed for the multiplex, the wellness centre," said Adam Stone, Arbec general manager.

The $4 million dollar donation from Arbec Forest Products will give them naming rights to the building, arena and a nearby soccer turf for a 25-year period.
The $4 million dollar donation from Arbec Forest Products will give them naming rights to the building, arena and a nearby soccer turf for a 25-year period.

The $4-million donation from Arbec Forest Products will give the company naming rights to the building, arena and a nearby soccer turf for a 25-year period. (CBC News)

"Our owner is very, very passionate about giving back to the community and we thought this would be a great way."

Saputo is also a big sports fan — he owns the Saputo Stadium in Montreal, is founder of CF Montreal soccer team and chair of the Italian Bologna Football Club.


"Our owner is very passionate about soccer … he does a lot of things with the youth and stuff like that," said Stone. "So the soccer field was an add-on afterwards to honour Mr. Saputo."

The arena side of the multiplex is already well underway, and the entire building is set to be completed by fall 2026.
The arena side of the multiplex is already well underway, and the entire building is set to be completed by fall 2026.

The arena side of the multiplex is already well underway, and the entire building is set to be completed by fall 2026. (Victoria Walton/CBC)

Lordon said there will be other opportunities for naming rights to other parts of the facility. There will also be a chance for individuals to sponsor seats closer to the project's completion.

The city's Civic Centre Arena, which was built in the 1980s, will also remain open once the multiplex is complete.

Floor plans show that the facility will also include a gymnasium and an indoor walking track. They will be used in addition to the city's current athletic facilities, like the 70-year old Golden Hawk Recreation Centre, which was inherited from CFB Chatham in the late 1990s.

"This will become the true hub of recreation and life here in our community," said Lordon

Construction is expected to be completed  by fall 2026.