Frustrating car park scene highlights 'real risk' in popular Aussie tourist spots

Illegal parking is not only annoying, it also poses serious safety concerns.

Illegal parking at popular beach spot.
Illegal parking at popular beach spot has not gone down well among locals. Source: Facebook

If there's one thing all Aussies can relate to this festive period, it's struggling to find somewhere to park wherever you go. While it can be tempting to quickly park your car in a no-stopping spot, if you're visiting a tourist town, it's the one sure way to anger locals.

The all too common problem was highlighted in photos of chaotic scenes at a car park in Crescent Head, one of New South Wales' most picturesque beachside spots with residents accusing drivers of parking "anywhere for as long as they like". The local who raised the problem questioned why Kempsey Shire Council rangers were not out enforcing parking rules.

"It’s about ensuring that everyone gets access to parking by making sure vehicles comply with the Councils time limits," they said, adding "We don’t want tourists punished. But we do want council to ensure the areas are monitored for the enjoyment and convenience of everyone."

According to Danny Gorog, CEO of council reporting app Snap Send Solve, illegal parking is a big problem nationwide, telling Yahoo News Australia there are "spikes" in reports of illegal parking across the country.

Aerial view of Crescent Head.
Popular beach town Crescent Head has limited parking. Source: Crescent Head Holiday Park

Gorog told Yahoo News Australia that illegal parking can pose a "real safety risk" for pedestrians, including wheelchair users, parents with prams, cyclists and even other drivers.


"Aussie residents are becoming increasingly frustrated with this issue and are encouraged to report hazards," he said previously.

There have been over 4,000 reports of illegal parking, marking a 37.9 per cent increase in NSW over the last 12 months alone. Nationwide, there were over 40,061 reports between January and April this year.

Across the country, reports of illegal parking are up a whopping 178% while in Queensland Gorog said they are seeing "spikes related to footpaths and heavy vehicle parking".

There is a silver lining, Gorog says that "complaining pays off" adding that 89 per cent of issues flagged via Snap Send Solve were solved within three weeks "showing the power of residents actively engaging with their communities."

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