Hello, your weekly horoscope is here
It’s all about the collective! Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square teaches you that collective care is in your own best interests. Then, Thursday’s Mercury-Jupiter helps you implement what you’re imagining and make the abstract more actionable. Friday’s Venus-Chiron sextile reminds you that romance and intimacy are vital for healing, not just for getting your needs met.
Read your sun/rising sign horoscope
Power to your people, Aries! A Mars-Jupiter square on Tuesday challenges you and your friends to lean into your values. Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile is a helpful, healing day for your relationship with money and embodiment. Friday’s Venus-Chiron sextile highlights the importance of community care and how you and your friends can continue to support each other.
What’s your dream, Taurus? A Mars-Jupiter square on Tuesday inspires you to take a professional risk to pursue your goals and you’ll be rewarded for it. Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile illuminates a powerful thought from your friends, so pay attention to what they say. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday challenges some assumptions you’ve made about your colleagues in a helpful, hopeful way.
Remember the biggest picture, Gemini. Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square wants to free you from the weeds so you can stay adaptable and optimistic. Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile is an intuitive hit for your career success so remember what you wonder. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday wants to take you and your friends on an adventure, so gather your people and get going!
Conflict with friends is normal, Cancer. A Mars-Jupiter square on Tuesday brings an uncomfortable but potentially healing push-pull with your community. Then, Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile provides a conversation to help repair those connections. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday inspires a leap of faith with the people you work with in order to collaborate more effectively.
Relating is an art, Leo. Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square helps you find the technique and skills to inspire the most meaningful relationships. Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile inspires you to share a truth in your heart with someone who needs to hear it. Friday’s Venus-Chiron sextile invigorates your relationship dynamics with passion, hope, and the possibility for meaningful changes.
It’s not that deep, Virgo. Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square helps you stop overthinking and stay curious about what’s stressing you out. Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile empowers you to negotiate when there’s disagreement and polarisation. You got this! A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday inspires you to stay mindful and focused to help your relationships.
Imperfections are sexy, Libra! Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square doesn’t want you to hide what makes you human. You’re a work in progress and still worthy of love. Thursday’s Mercury-Neptune sextile inspires more gentle self-talk around this topic. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday reinforces your strengths while helping you heal from challenges through your differences.
Trust the unknown, Taurus. A Mars-Jupiter square expands your relationship with the unknown by actively trusting, not avoiding. Thursday’s Mercury-Jupiter sextile gives you confidence as a reward for proactively and bravely showing up. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday aligns you with more supportive routines and habits.
Zoom in, Sag! An exacting Mars-Jupiter square helps you aim your arrow at the details of a situation. Thursday’s Mercury-Jupiter sextile gives you the mindfulness to get in tune with others and help them get in tune with you. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday inspires you to express an emotion bravely to someone who needs to hear it.
Don’t push past your limits, Capricorn. Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square lets you know when your body’s had enough. You deserve rest and a chance to reflect. Thursday’s Mercury-Jupiter sextile reframes your creative skills. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday wants you to see the relationship between your values and emotions. What emotions guide you to the values you need to practice?
Emotionally detached, Aquarius? No way! Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square myth-busts that Aquarius stereotype — you’ll be showing just how emotionally engaged you are. Thursday’s Mercury-Jupiter sextile helps you see the wisdom of your body. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday reminds you that so much can be healed in a conversation, so bravely begin those talks!
You can let it go, Pisces. Tuesday’s Mars-Jupiter square reminds you that you can simply (but not always easily) free yourself from overthinking. Thursday’s Mercury-Jupiter sextile gives your cognitive and communication skills a major boost. A Venus-Chiron sextile on Friday liberates you from past patterns, people, and choices that keep you stuck.
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