John McAfee Emerges, Reportedly Says Americans Are ‘Hated Universally’

John McAfee has seemingly emerged after recently going dark to discuss his presidential run and how much Americans are loathed around the world.  | Source: CWJ Crypto World Journal/YouTube
John McAfee has seemingly emerged after recently going dark to discuss his presidential run and how much Americans are loathed around the world. | Source: CWJ Crypto World Journal/YouTube

By CCN: In a new interview with Newsweek, John McAfee surfaced to discuss living abroad and what he’s learned about the global perception of Americans. After recently going dark, he told Newsweek “we’re hated universally.” According to him, the reason most American tourists don’t pick up on this fact is that they’re a source of income for the people and places they visit.

America: Hated Universally

“I have traveled around the world. Everybody hates America. Do they show it? No. If you’re a tourist, you’re never going to see it. Why? If you’re a tourist you are a source of income for that country. You’re never going to see the truth. Well, I’ve lived in these countries, and I’ve seen the f***ing truth. We’re hated universally. We interfere in affairs that we do not understand for our own benefit….”

McAfee, who is wanted by the U.S. government for tax fraud, is currently running for president. The software mogul invited this attention from federal authorities when he openly flaunted his tax evasion just after the new year. Later that month, federal authorities issued an indictment. While felons are legally allowed to run for president, it’s unclear if McAfee would be able to assume the office with a standing warrant hanging over his head.

Can a Fugitive Even Run for President?

Since 2000, the Justice Department has abided by the opinion that it cannot prosecute someone in the highest office.

This past week, rumors spread on Twitter that authorities captured McAfee.

The @officialmcafee account has since dispelled these rumors:

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