Kiena Dawes: Man whose girlfriend blamed him for her death in suicide note guilty of assault but cleared of manslaughter

A man whose girlfriend blamed him for her death in a suicide note has been found guilty of assault and controlling and coercive behaviour - but cleared of her manslaughter.

Warning: Readers may find some of the details of this story distressing

During a six-week trial at Preston Crown Court, Ryan Wellings, 30, was accused of driving 23-year-old hairdresser Kiena Dawes to her death after two years of alleged domestic abuse and violence.

Shortly after writing the note on her phone, Ms Dawes left it and their nine-month-old daughter with a friend before taking her own life on 22 July 2022.

Paul Greaney KC cited the suicide note in his closing speech for the prosecution to the jury.


On Monday, jurors returned their verdicts.

Wellings made no reaction in the dock as the verdicts were read out.

Ms Dawes' sister wept and her mother looked straight ahead as the defendant was cleared of manslaughter.

'I wish I could bring her back'

Ms Dawes' mother, Angela, later said outside the court her daughter was a "rare gem" who was "missed so very much".

She added: "Her baby girl was brought to my home a few hours after Kiena was found and has been in my full-time care ever since that tragic day.

"I honestly cannot put into words just how much it breaks my heart that her beautiful baby girl doesn't have her mummy here because of that monster.

"I truly hope that no other young lady or child has to go through what he did to my daughter and her baby.


"I just wish with all my heart that I could bring her back and say, 'it's OK, you're safe now'."

'Drill my teeth out of my mouth'

In a statement released following the conviction, Lancashire Police detailed some of the abuse that Ms Dawes suffered at the hands of Wellings.

In May 2020, just one month after they moved in together, it said Ms Dawes told a friend that Wellings had gotten into a jealous rage and attempted to strangle her with an iPhone charger.

In October of the next year, her baby was born and Ms Dawes wrote in a statement that Wellings' behaviour briefly improved, police said, but before long he was physically abusing her again and she was "hit around the head every week now even if it's just a slap."

By the end of the year, the force said she wrote that Wellings had threatened to "drill my teeth out of my mouth".


It added she later described how Wellings dunked her head in a baby bath - an incident that she said left her feeling suicidal.

On 13 June, the pair were said to have gotten into an argument when Wellings used aftershave from Ms Dawes' late father's memory box - something she had asked him not to do.

He then assaulted her, police said.

They added that not a month later in July he attacked her again so badly she was left unconscious.

A 'fairytale' that became a 'nightmare'

Wellings had denied manslaughter but became the first defendant to be tried before a jury accused of the unlawful killing of his partner after her suicide following alleged domestic violence.

Only one other defendant has been convicted in such circumstances before, Nicholas Allen, who admitted before his trial in 2017 the manslaughter of his partner, Justene Reece.


During the trial, jurors were told that Ms Dawes, from Fleetwood in Lancashire, had suffered two years of violence and abuse at the hands of Wellings.

She had been diagnosed with an emotionally unstable personality disorder, resulting in increased impulsivity, poor self-esteem and difficulty in relationships, a condition allegedly exploited by the defendant.

Ms Dawes had been "swept off her feet" after meeting Wellings, a landscape gardener from Bispham, who had a previous conviction for battering his ex-partner, the mother of his twin girls.

Wellings had Ms Dawes' name and face tattooed on his body within a week of meeting, and proposed marriage within three months.

But Ms Dawes later said her "fairytale" turned into a "nightmare" with Wellings, who had a vicious temper and regularly enjoyed cocaine and drink binges.

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His abuse of Ms Dawes included regular slapping and "ragging" by her hair amid other threats.

After she became pregnant, Wellings gave her a black eye and began criticising her weight.

Friends and her mother warned Ms Dawes to "run a mile" from "toxic" Wellings, but a pattern developed of break-up and make-up.

He excused his own behaviour by saying "it was only a slap" and apologising profusely.

Mr Greaney read Ms Dawes' suicide note to jurors: "The end. I fought hard, I fought long. I went through pain no one could imagine.

"I was murdered. Ryan Wellings killed me. He ruined every bit of strength I had left. I had dreams. I had a future at one point. That was taken away from me."

Wellings told jurors "I'm not a monster", claiming her allegations were either untrue or exaggerated and any injuries to her accidental.

He did, however, admit getting "heavy handed" with her.

A final violent episode "broke" Ms Dawes, with Wellings leaving her needing hospital treatment, after which she made a statement to police and Wellings was arrested.

He broke his bail conditions but was not locked up, leaving Ms Dawes feeling let down by police.

Four days later, she killed herself.

Three Lancashire Police officers face disciplinary hearings.

Ms Dawes had been described as a "very troubled young lady" who decided to end her life not because of Wellings, but because of "multiple factors".

Wellings is due to be sentenced on Thursday 16 January.

Anyone feeling emotionally distressed or suicidal can call Samaritans for help on 116 123 or email in the UK. In the US, call the Samaritans branch in your area or 1 (800) 273-TALK