No false beards, 5'7 or 5'8, and follow that cab! MI5's advice to new recruits

Avoid false beards, carry plenty of spare change and know what to do when you need to tell a taxi driver "follow that cab!" - these were some of the tips given to rookie MI5 "watchers".

Their job was to covertly tail and report on suspected enemy agents.

The guidance is contained in a booklet that was issued to all new spooks in the Security Service during the Second World War.

But the document has been declassified and is on show in a new exhibition focusing on the work of MI5 due to open at the National Archives, in west London, in the spring.

'Onerous, exacting and preferably 5'7'

However, far from the glitzy world of James Bond, the booklet is quick to dispel any notions of glamour among new recruits entering the world of espionage.


"Observation is a very onerous and exacting profession," it notes.

It continues that unlike the secret service spooks on screen and in famous novels, the reality can be quite monotonous.

A successful watcher should be a "rather nondescript type" who should not stand out in a crowd.

"The ideal watcher should not be more than 5ft 7ins or 5ft 8ins in height, looking as unlike a policeman as possible," it says.

It adds: "It is a mistake to use men who are too short as they are just as conspicuous as tall men."

The use of facial disguises, despite what then recruits may have seen in the movies, is definitely frowned upon.

"It may be considered essential in secret service films but it is practice to be deplored," it warns.

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'Keep on the opposite pavement'

There is very specific advice on how to tail a suspect, with watchers advised to double up with a partner where possible.


"Keep about 25-30 yards behind the quarry, and when on the move by foot it is preferable to keep on the opposite pavement, except in very busy streets," it says.

However, if a suspect grows suspicious, watchers are told to prepare for them high-tailing into a vehicle or away on public transport.

It reads: "Be prepared for the suspect to board a moving vehicle such as a bus tram or train, or hailing a cruising taxi, or any other device to shake off a 'tail'.

"When he is suspicious a suspect will often board a train just before the doors close, making himself the last one on the train, or he may alight at the last moment: so do not give him any rope on such occasions."

'Promise a good tip'

If the hours and days of monotonous tailing and following do turn into an exciting chase, the booklet offers counsel there too.


The instruction is to be prepared with plenty of cash and a good cover story.

It advises: "Choose, if possible, a modern cab for following and enthuse a little extra activity into the driver in order that he may avoid the suspect's detecting the following cab in mirrors or from the rear window.

"Keep your driver keen at traffic lights or traffic congestion, and generally co-opt his help.

"Concoct a suitable tale which may go down well with the cabby, such as a divorce case, absconding husband or wife, and promise the driver a good tip."