
Pisces monthly horoscope

Photo credit: Elle UK
Photo credit: Elle UK



Lucky Days: 2, 7, 12, 21, 30

Yucky Days: 9, 16, 23, 24, 29

Colour: Houndstooth

Celebrity Icon: Rihanna

September is a supremely special month for you, Pisces, highlighting your most significant relationships and helping you navigate potent partnership issues. This starts right at the beginning with the magical, annual Full Moon in your very own stars early on the 2nd. This is one of the most significant moments of your entire year and it’s deeply emotional. It’s as if a portal is opened in the universe and all the feelings you’ve felt during the last six months of the pandemic are flooding through it all at once. Let go, let go, and let go some more. By the 9th, Mars Retrograde unleashes in your house of self-worth and money. This is a key phase for your financial affairs, but it’s important not to let frustration and anger get the best of you between now and mid-November. You might feel like you’re going backwards a bit, but just trust that staying calm is the best response – everything will work itself out by later in the fall. The New Moon in Virgo (on the 22nd) is the moment to set intentions for your next six months of relationship work. By next March, a full year since the start of lockdown, you can have the kind of partnerships you’ve only dreamed of. Whether your current relationship grows in this direction or you meet someone new – this is the goal, and it’s one you can meet. The Fall Equinox arrives on the 22nd, waking up your desires for the next four weeks. This is especially helpful during Mars Retrograde, because this phase can put a strain on libido for both solo and partnered sex. Happily, this won’t likely be an issue for you, Pisces.


Lucky Days: 5, 6, 16, 19, 28

Yucky Days: 13, 14, 19, 24, 30

Colour: Chili Pepper

Celebrity Icon: Lupita Nyong'o

Work and wellness are your dual callings this month, Pisces. August is about creating a semi-carefree and semi-cautious balance in your daily life. With the Sun in your house of scheduling, health and day-to-day projects, this should be easy to tune into. The Full Moon lands on the 3rd and it’s a deep and dreamy lunation. With powerful lunar energy awakening your house of subconscious thoughts, the last six months of your inner life come into clear focus.

What secrets have you been keeping, Pisces – especially from yourself? Think back on everything your psyche has been through since the pandemic began and forgive yourself for anything you didn’t get perfect. It’s more than ok if you’ve been a bit of a hot mess – or even if you still feel like one right now. Just let it all go with a big exhale. The New Moon brings a very different vibe on the 18th – it’s super fiery and forward-thinking. There has rarely been a lunation so perfect for planning out the remainder of your year. Think ahead into the rest of 2020 into early 2021 and imagine your ideal everyday life, from the moment you wake up to the moment your head hits your pillow.

What is your morning routine? Do you have a yoga or meditation practice? What projects are you working on? You can manifest a lifestyle that feels predictable in all the right ways, and perfect enough to spark daily magic. After the 22nd the Sun shifts into your opposite sign, setting you up for four weeks of relationship obsession. If you’re a single Pisces, this is the best time of the year to meet someone – even if your first few dates are over Zoom.

Pisces daily horoscope

All sign monthly horoscopes

Pisces personality profile

Monthly horoscopes supplied exclusively to Elle UK by the Saturn Sisters

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