Telegram chief Durov released on €5 million bail, forbidden to leave France

Russian-born Telegram boss Pavel Durov was released on bail after being placed under formal investigation by French authorities following his arrest as part of a probe related to illegal content carried on his messaging app. Durov was freed after paying a €5 million deposit and instructed not to leave France. The Kremlin, which is closely watching the case, emphasised his status as a Russian citizen and warned against "political persecution".

Telegram chief Pavel Durov was spending Thursday out on bail after four days of detention in France, banned from leaving the country as he faces a possible trial related to illegal content carried on his messaging app.

Russian-born Durov, dressed in black and wearing dark glasses, walked briskly out of the Paris court house late Wednesday into a waiting car after being charged but allowed to go free under judicial supervision.

He thanked his lawyer and was rapidly ushered into the vehicle by a burly man appearing to be a bodyguard, video posted on social media channels showed.

Durov, 39, was charged on several counts of failing to curb extremist and illegal content on the popular messaging app which now has over 900 million followers but has become increasingly controversial.

This charge alone could see him jailed for up to 10 years and fined 500,000 euros if convicted.

Read more on FRANCE 24 English

Read also:
Telegram CEO Durov placed under formal investigation and banned from leaving France
Free speech and ‘homeland’: Moscow's ‘opportunistic’ response to Telegram boss Durov’s arrest
Russia warns France against trying to 'intimidate' detained Telegram founder Pavel Durov