Truck hits hydro pole, knocks out power to 1,300 in south Winnipeg

A Wednesday morning crash on St. Mary's Road, between Britannica Road and Vista Avenue, has left more than 1,300 customers without power in Winnipeg's St. Vital neighbourhood. (Trevor Brine/CBC - image credit)
A Wednesday morning crash on St. Mary's Road, between Britannica Road and Vista Avenue, has left more than 1,300 customers without power in Winnipeg's St. Vital neighbourhood. (Trevor Brine/CBC - image credit)

People in parts of Winnipeg's St. Vital neighbourhood were left powerless after a crash took down a hydro pole on Wednesday morning.

A pickup truck hit the pole on St. Mary's Road, between Britannica Road and Vista Avenue, around 7:30 a.m. It knocked out power to more than 1,300 customers in the area, according to Manitoba Hydro's outage map.

The traffic lights at two intersections — St. Mary's & Britannica, and Dakota Street and Novavista Drive — were dark for a few hours and drivers were asked to treat those corners as four-way stops.

There is no information on any injuries from the crash.

Manitoba Hydro has restored power to most customers but just over 400 remain without it as of 1 p.m. A spokesperson said the extra time is required to replace the pole.