Trump: 'I took the fight to Biden' in debate

U.S. presidential debate organizers vowed on Wednesday to change the rules to rein in unruly behavior after Trump repeatedly interrupted Biden and the moderator in the candidates' taunt-filled initial prime-time encounter.

Biden suggested a mute button might help and Trump complained the Commission on Presidential Debates was siding with the Democrats in the aftermath of Tuesday's debate in Cleveland.

The 90-minute face-off triggered widespread criticism of Trump and, to a lesser extent, Biden. The Republican president repeatedly bullied Biden and questioned his intelligence, while the Democratic nominee called Trump a racist, a liar and the worst president ever.

Meanwhile Trump told his supporters in Duluth Wednesday that "the liberal media is upset that I took the fight to Biden and exposed his very dangerous agenda."

He also criticized Wallace at length, saying "I was debating two people last night."

Trump also touted the debate's viewership ratings, claiming without evidence that "it had the highest ratings of any show in the history of cable television."

Biden has held a modest but steady lead in national voter surveys for months, although opinion polls in the battleground states that traditionally decide elections show a closer contest.