What's that smell? Skunk mating season has begun in Calgary

Calgary pest control companies say they're expecting an uptick of skunk-related calls now that mating season is underway. (Michael Evans/CBC - image credit)
Calgary pest control companies say they're expecting an uptick of skunk-related calls now that mating season is underway. (Michael Evans/CBC - image credit)

The smell of romance is in the air — skunk mating season has begun in Calgary.

It's possible Calgarians' noses have already informed them of that news. The black and white animals are starting to crawl out of their dens more often, in search of partners to make babies with.

That means male skunks are spraying their competition, while female skunks are spraying the males they aren't interested in.

That's according to James McGowan, an urban pest and wildlife specialist who owns Lavellan Pest Solutions. He said it's a matter of time until he starts seeing his biannual spike in calls — with birthing season over the spring and early summer following behind.


"Typically in Calgary we're going to see mating season start around what we call our January summer, which we're experiencing right now," said McGowan.

While some may fear getting sprayed during this heightened season of activity, McGowan said skunks generally don't like to spray. Other than spraying each other during mating season, he said the critters spray humans and other animals only as a last resort when they feel threatened.

Beki Hunt with Calgary Wildlife says the majority of skunk patients they see in the late spring are kits whose mothers have been trapped and relocated. (Andrea S.H. Hunt/Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society)

If you come across one, McGowan recommends making enough noise so it's aware of your presence — and slowly back away.

Skunks will usually spin in circles, lift their tails and stamp their feet as warning signs before spraying.


Otherwise, McGowan said, he's advocating for people to leave them be, even if they've denned on your property. Relocating them can put their lives at risk and there are so many in the city that it's impossible to get rid of them, he said.

"The second you take an animal out of its territory and put it somewhere new, it doesn't know where to find food, doesn't know where to find shelter. It's constantly stressed.… It's not going to survive the way people think it is," said McGowan.

"An urban skunk is set for an urban environment. They're meant to be here. That's all they know."

For Erik Johnson, owner of Grove Eco-Friendly Pest Control, prevention is key.

He recommends cleaning up all potential food sources, like fallen apples and berries, and ensuring trash bins are secured. Blocking off potential denning sites also helps, he said.


"If the skunks are already living there, we can install a one-way door that'll allow the skunk to leave but not go back in. Then it's a really great permanent solution so you're not having to deal with that issue again in the future," said Johnson.

Beki Hunt, executive director at the Calgary Wildlife Rehabilitation Society, said most of the skunks they take in are kits who are left behind when their mothers are trapped and relocated.

"Sharing your space with a skunk — it's really only beneficial," said Hunt, noting they prey on rodents and insects.

She added they typically have multiple denning spots and don't stay in one place full-time.

She urges Calgarians to keep their dogs leashed to decrease their chances of lunging at or cornering skunks and getting sprayed.

But if you or your dog gets sprayed, she said to leave the tomato soup in the pantry and instead use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dish soap.