Woman stunned by incredible 4kg discovery in Aussie dirt: 'Waiting to be found'

The couple couldn't believe their eyes when they pulled out the enormous object.

Kirsty McMullan showed off the incredible find. Source: Instagram
Kirsty McMullan showed off the incredible find. Source: Instagram

Aussies everywhere have been left stunned by footage of a woman pulling a massive 4kg semiprecious stone out of the red Outback dirt. The stunning crystal edges look so perfect they could have been man-made.

Prospector Kirsty McMullan said her day started like any other when her and partner Patrick visited their usual spot for mining Amethyst, a type of crystalline quartz.

The couple have travelled once a year from Cairns to the mine site in Western Australia for the past four years to dig for rare and precious stones. The most recent discovery, shared on social media last week, is "by far" the largest they have unearthed.

"It’s always super exciting to unearth crystals of this size as they are rare, especially for Australia," she told Yahoo News Australia. "This crystal weighs 4kg which is one the biggest single points we have found and is valued at $3,500."

Kirsty can be seen pulling the huge mass out of the dirt. Source: Instagram
Kirsty can be seen pulling the huge mass out of the dirt. Source: Instagram

She added that "finding crystals of this size is quite rare especially here in Australia.


"It’s not every day that you will come across a single amethyst point this large as the pocket zones need to be rather big to be able to grow into larger specimens."

According to the Australian Museum, Quartz is found all over the country as both crystals and as fine-grained material. Rock crystal and smoky quartz are found in all states, while amethyst and citrine are less common.

Kirsty and Patrick regularly spend their days chasing crystals and unearthing clusters of them, or points that form radiating prisms.


"At this mine we are looking to find amethyst mainly but the mine also has pockets of smoky quartz and crystals that are both smoky or amethyst," she explained. "Sometimes the pockets are small with little crystals and at other times they are quite large allowing for bigger points or clusters to form.

"The great thing about digging here is that you never really know just how amazing they are until you do finally dig them out."

Some of the crystals are turned into jewellery, and others are sold on. As for this large find, Kirsty says it will "stay in our own personal collection due to the fact that finding such large crystals is few and far between."

Those who watched the amazing footage were left astounded by the beautiful rock.

"That is stunning," commented one Aussie. "Still blows my mind they're hiding underground just waiting to be found."

"Holy perfection," said another.

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