8 Of The Worst 'Saying The Movie Title In The Movie' Moments, And 8 That Give Me Chills
Am I the only person who gives a standing ovation when a movie character says the film's title?
Warner Bros.
HYPE: "The Dark Knight"
The ending of The Dark Knight shows Batman on the run from the police, with Gary Oldman (Commissioner Gordon) talking about how Batman is not the hero Gotham needs.
It's still one of the best movie endings I have ever seen in theaters, and the perfect use of saving the title for the film's final shot.
Warner Bros.
DUD: "Suicide Squad"
Will Smith (Deadshot) delivered one of the most on-the-nose "saying the title of the movie in the movie" moments ever in Suicide Squad.
Like many entries on this list, it's only a "dud" moment if you take it out of context. Still, the movie itself is very goofy and ridiculous, so it's a hilarious way to incorporate the title into the dialogue.
Focus Features
HYPE: "Brokeback Mountain"
Jack and Ennis arguing on a mountainside about what "could have been" between them might be the most compelling scene in the film. Jake Gyllenhaal (Jack) delivers the movie title line with all the emotions, and it makes for a memorable quote that is overshadowed by the more famous "I wish I knew how to quit you" moment.
Warner Bros.
DUD: "The Departed"
As a Massachusetts lad myself, maybe I am a little biased about the ridiculousness of this "saying the title" moment.
Where do I begin? The shot zooms in on Matt Damon's face for him to deliver the title of the movie in a Boston accent. It's so silly, while also very much Martin Scorsese's style. Something about it just doesn't work for me, and almost feels forced.
20th Century Fox
HYPE: "The Princess Bride"
A sentimental favorite for me. The way they simply include the title by having the grandpa reading the book makes this the most heartwarming entry...especially once you fall in love with this film and watch it again.
Miramax Films
DUD: "The Aviator"
Maybe the most controversial entry on the list. Out of context, this is one of the goofier entries. In context, it perfectly fits the character and makes sense once you watch the movie.
I blame the terrifying realism of the plane crash scene for this being placed in the "dud" section.
Universal Pictures
HYPE: "Back to the Future"
This entry is the perfect amount of campiness and hype.
The way the scene builds, and both characters realize they have a shot to pull off an impossible mission, makes this line drop flawlessly executed. They say the movie title in other moments throughout this series, but none comes close to this impeccably scripted moment.
Miramax Films
DUD: "Kill Bill: Vol. 2"
It works, but it doesn't stick with me like the others, since this is Vol. II.
I'd make this one my top pick if the Bride had looked into the camera and said, "I'm going to kill Bill...Volume 2." (lol)
Universal Pictures
HYPE: "Jurassic Park"
John Hammond looks out at all the dinosaurs moving in a herd and delivers this iconic line. It is the perfect launching point for our characters who find themselves tossed into a new world full of genetically bred monstrosities.
This line might be the best "movie title within a movie" quote.
Miramax Films
DUD: "Gone Baby Gone"
While the scene is well acted and intense, the line is pretty silly. I'd argue that I dislike the book version even more, but sticking to the film, it just feels a little too on the nose for a moment that is supposed to be intense.
Universal Pictures
HYPE: "The Breakfast Club"
Closing your movie with the title of the movie. *Chef's kiss*
The entire essay works so wonderfully that there was no better way to end this film than with those final words.
DreamWorks Pictures
DUD: "Gladiator"
I like Gladiator, and this scene has great moments, but the quote itself is a little bit of a dud to me. It's supposed to be a defiant line destroyed 20 seconds later when Maximus reveals his identity. Again, the speech is some classic revenge-movie stuff, but this quote gets lost in the shuffle.
New Line Cinema
HYPE: "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring"
This usage of the movie title is another great launching point for audiences. We're introduced to all these characters and see them unite for a quest. It doesn't get much more high fantasy than this scene.
Also, Hugo Weaving's delivery for every line is tremendous (not just in this movie specifically, but during his acting career in general).
Paramount Pictures
DUD: "Face/Off"
I could make a list titled, 101 Things Wrong With Face/Off That Make Things So Right. It's one of the top bad movies out there, and film experts should analyze it forever.
Warner Bros. Pictures
HYPE: "Full Metal Jacket"
This might be the most intense movie-name drop on this list.
From start to finish, this scene is uncomfortable to watch, and the use of the movie title is superb. Not for the faint of heart, but a memorable use of saying the movie within the movie.
Orion Pictures
DUD: "RoboCop 2"
The movie managed to say the title while including the sequel number. What more do I need to say?
A dud on this list, but A-tier in my heart.
New Line Cinema