Zika-capable mossie larvae found in Auckland

Larvae from the mosquito capable of transmitting the Zika virus, among others, have been found in a trap at Auckland Airport.

Mosquito larvae from the species capable of transmitting the Zika virus have been found at Auckland Airport.

The larvae of Aedes aegypti, commonly called the yellow fever mosquito, were caught in a trap near the international baggage area last week, the Ministry of Health says.

This mosquito can transmit a number of human diseases including Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, Ross River virus and the Zika virus.

However, staff from the ministry, airport and Auckland Regional Public Health Service haven't been able to find any of the mosquitoes since, says acting director of public health Stewart Jessamine.

Officials have launched an intensive trapping programme in and around the airport, aimed at both the adult and larval stage.

"Potential mosquito breeding sites are identified and treated or eliminated," Dr Jessamine said.

It is the first time Aedes aegypti larvae have been found in traps in New Zealand but the adult mosquito has been intercepted at ports and airports 14 times since 2000.

New Zealand mosquitoes do not transmit disease.

"If some new species of mosquitoes became established here, these new mosquitoes could transmit serious diseases," Dr Jessamine said.

In 2010 the southern saltmarsh mosquito - which can transmit the Ross River Virus - was declared eradicated from New Zealand after a 12-year $70 million spraying campaign.

Aedes aegypti has been identified as the main transmitter of Zika infections, which have been linked to thousands of birth defects in Brazil and other countries in Latin America, the Caribbean and has also been found in some Pacific Islands.


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