Alec Baldwin accused of being ‘tone-deaf’ after he posts photo marking last day of filming Rust

Alec Baldwin posted a cheery photo on Monday (15 May) to mark the last day of filming on Rust, leading many to criticise the actor for being “tone-deaf”.

Production on the western movie recently resumed at Yellowstone Film Ranch in Montana. It had previously been halted when the star, 65, accidentally shot and killed cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on set in 2021.

After the incident, Baldwin was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter, but the charges were later dropped.

The family of Hutchins are said to be pursuing a civil case against Baldwin.

Posting on Instagram to mark his last day of filming with actor Patrick Scott McDermott, Baldwin shared a photo of the pair, alongside the caption: “Last day on the set of RUST with this guy.

“A very talented actor and lovely young man with a bright future ahead. My love to you, @patrickscottmcdermott.”

In a later post, he wrote: “God, it felt good to shave off that beard…”

Many commenters criticised the first post. “They still moved forward with the film,” one person wrote. “Sorry, but horribly poor taste. A human life was lost. Wth?”

“Tone. Deaf,” another added.

“The fact that someone died tragically on this set, a young mother at that, should mean that while you do go on and finish the movie, perhaps out of respect and common sensitivity you don’t post happy photos with the remaining living from that particular movie set!!!!!” posted a third.

A fourth wrote: “Shameless.”

The Independent has contacted a representative of Baldwin for comment.

The movie sees Baldwin play an infamous outlaw who comes out of hiding to stop his 13-year-old grandson from being hanged for murder.

Find out here what changes in the case brought about the decision to drop the charges.