Ali Wentworth: I would look at porn with my kids

Ali Wentworth says she "would watch porn" with her teenage daughters in order to teach them about sex.
The 55-year-old actress and comedian has daughters Elliott, 17, and Harper, 15, with her husband George Stephanopoulos, and has admitted she would be happy to sit down and watch adult content with her kids, so she can show them that pornography is "performative" rather than realistic.
She said: "In porn, women have been conditioned to look and act a certain way. They are performing and it's dangerous to have boys see this as something women want. You can't stop them, so I would watch it with them. I would look at the porn with them that one time, like, 'They're performing.' "
The 'Nightcap' star also said she looks at social media posts with her daughters and offers them some perspective.
She added during an appearance on the 'Dissenters' podcast: "I say, 'Do you see this girl? There is a hole she is trying to fill.' ... I [also] use humour to try to converse with them and say things like, 'Did you drop out of school today. Did you get married today?' "
Meanwhile, Ali is known to be open about her sex life with her husband George - whom she married in 2001 - and previously explained in her 2018 memoir that the pair still frequently have sex.
She wrote in 'Go Ask Ali: Half-Baked Advice (and Free Lemonade)': "The lowest moment for me is when the time arrives for the fateful question: 'How often do you and your husband have sex?' I have lost friends with this question. The women gasp and scream like I've confessed that I shot my dog. One of them always slams her first down on the table; a woman's wine glass once smashed in her hand. I'm sorry! We're hot for each other. Jesus!"