'Almost too practical': How Kit Harington and Rose Leslie are preparing for second-time parenthood

Kit Harington and Rose Leslie are taking a "practical approach" to having another baby.
The 'Game of Thrones' co-stars - who married in June 2018 - recently revealed they are expecting their second child together and while everything felt very "romantic" when the actress was pregnant with their son, now two, this time around the couple are trying to be "efficient".
Kit told 'Entertainment Tonight': "We're really practical about it at the moment. And actually, almost too practical.
"With our first child there was so, sort of romantic, for one of a better word, and this other one we're like, 'Right, okay, let's get.' We know how efficient we have to be. Let's get down to parenting.
"My mum says that she never remembers us being little kids or the early parenting much, because you're so present in it. And I think that's what kids allow you to be, is incredibly present in the moment, 'cause you've got no choice."
The 'Extrapolations' actor joked his son - whose name hasn't been publicly revealed - is going to get the "shock of his life" when there's a new baby in the house but he thinks the tot will eventually make a "great older brother".
He said: "I don't know if he's really conceptually understood anything yet. He's about to get the shock of his life.
"He's just loving life. My boy loves life. He charges around, and I think he's going to be a great older brother. It's just really exciting."
Kit, 36, admitted global issues such as tackling climate change have become major topics of conversation between him and Rose, also 36, since they became parents.
He said: "It's a, it's a regular conversation that my wife and I have about our son, and she's pregnant at the moment, so, for our children's future, I look at it in some ways of like, our parent's generation were oblivious. We're becoming very aware.
"And it would be our duty, and my children's duty to deal with it. It'll be the great challenge of their generation, but it doesn't stop at being the challenge of ours as well.
"We're going to have a lot to answer to for our kids."