Anglesey bins' seagull protection measures branded 'eyesore'

Bins in Anglesey have been branded an "eyesore" after some sheeting was added to protect them from seagulls.

David Marsen is the shopkeeper at Siop Newydd in Menai Bridge.

He noticed workers cutting out some sheeting last Thursday morning.

"I just watched what was going on and I went down to have a word and they said it was to keep the seagulls out and the litter blowing in the wind," he told Sky News.

He said the modifications had been a "talking point" among locals.

"It's just the way it's been done, it looks a mess," he added.

"Where we're situated, we don't have that many tourists, so that's not a problem. It's just from what I can see, it just looks an eyesore."

An Anglesey Council spokesperson said it was aware of the work undertaken in Menai Bridge and that it was a "temporary measure".

"We will revisit the area once a more appropriate solution is available," they added.