Anya Taylor-Joy Reveals How She Tapped Into Her Own 'Female Rage' For Furiosa

Anya Taylor-Joy in character as Furiosa
Anya Taylor-Joy in character as Furiosa Warner Bros

Anya Taylor-Joy has shared how filming her latest film Furiosa has changed her as a person.

The Emmy nominee takes the lead in the new Mad Max film, which serves as an origin story for Furiosa, a character originated by Charlize Theron in 2015’s Fury Road.

Speaking to British GQ as part of its Heroes Issue, Anya shared how getting into character helped tap into her own “female rage”, which impacted her personally.

“For all my championing of female rage, I’ve never been an angry person,” she explained. “For a long time the only time I ever got angry was on other people’s behalfs. I’ve always internalised this thing of ‘I’ve done something wrong. If you treat me badly, it’s because I am the problem’.”


She continued: “I’m so grateful for Furiosa, because there was a real moment where I started getting angry for myself.

“My husband was like ‘I’ve never heard you be like this.’ I was like, ‘I’m glad! I’m glad that I’m angry!’ If someone steps on me now, I’m like, ‘Hey, fuck you!’ That makes me feel good.”

Anya Taylor-Joy in London to promote Furiosa
Anya Taylor-Joy in London to promote Furiosa Tristan Fewings via Getty Images

Last week, Anya made headlines when she disclosed some of the difficulties she ran into while making her latest movie.

“I’ve never been more alone than making that movie,” she claimed, admitting: “I don’t want to go too deep into it, but everything that I thought was going to be easy was hard.”

Asked to elaborate further, she remarked: “Talk to me in 20 years.”

Read Anya Taylor-Joy’s British GQ interview in full in the Heroes Issue, available via digital download and on newsstands on Tuesday 11 June.