Attempted murder charge after man pushed stranger onto Tube tracks at Oxford Circus

Oxford Circus Tube Station (John Walton/PA) (PA Archive)
Oxford Circus Tube Station (John Walton/PA) (PA Archive)

A 24-year-old man has been remanded in custody after allegedly trying to murder a stranger by pushing him on to Tube tracks in London's West End.

Brwa Shorsh is accused of suddenly shoving Tadeusz Potoczek from the platform at Oxford Circus station at just before 3pm on Saturday.

Prosecutor Adrita Ahmed told Westminster magistrates court the two men are unknown to each other.

It is said Shorsh got up from the bench he was on and alleged pushed Mr Potoczek on to the tracks.

"He fell on to the tracks, missing the live third rail and is then pulled up out of the track and back on to the platform", said the prosecutor.

British Transport Police said the alleged victim was pulled to safety by members of the public before a train arrived and he was not seriously hurt.

Shorsh, of no fixed address, was arrested later the same afternoon in the area of Warren Street tube station, the court heard.

He appeared in custody on Monday afternoon, when he was remanded until a hearing at the Old Bailey on March 4.

Wearing prison-issue grey, Shorsh spoke only to confirm his date and age, while his lawyer told the court he intends to plead not guilty to the charge of attempted murder.

Detectives continue to appeal for witnesses who saw what happened or the events leading up to it to contact them.

Anyone with information can contact BTP via text on 61016 or by calling 0800 40 50 40 quoting 379 of February 3 2024.