Freak rugby prodigy signs with US college

Australian rugby prodigy Thomas Yassmin has made the courageous decision to commit to a US college in the hope of playing college football and NFL.

Turning his back on furthering a promising career in rugby union, the 18-year-old is hoping his unique combination of size, speed and skill will make him a star at the tight end position on the gridiron field.

A product of Scots College in Sydney, the talented youngster made the most of his 6’5”, roughly 110 kilogram frame to play rugby and basketball.

He was also selected on the wing for the Australian Schoolboys rugby side, dominating with his size and speed.

Yassmin while a star at Scots College (left) and now with Utah. Pic: Youtube/Twitter
Yassmin while a star at Scots College (left) and now with Utah. Pic: Youtube/Twitter

His unlikely venture into American Football began when his basketball coach mentioned the opportunity to him, before he was noticed by the University of Hawaii football team, who were touring to Sydney.

From there he's fielded a number of offers, but eventually settled on the University of Utah, for their strong football program, and also their proficiency in academics.

"I’ve never played football in my life," Yassmin told about his move.

"I’ve watched it. I’ve played Madden, but I’ve never played it.”

In terms of what he fears most about his big move, the towering youngster quickly identified the football playbook as his biggest challenge.

"Memorising the plays. They bloody name plays after combinations of fruits and colours. Honestly, ‘red book this’," Yassmin said.

"It’s learning that, then also if they call an audible, knowing what the audible is. Hearing it, seeing it. I think that’s gonna be the hardest bit."

Yassmin shared a number of the key moments of his journey to US college football on his newly created Twitter page.

Fellow Aussie expat, and Utah resident, Joe Ingles, even took the time to welcome the boom youngster to the area.

Now, Yassmin's aim is to grow into the huge shoes of some of his idols at the tight end position, including Chiefs star Travis Kelce and Patriots beast Rob Gronkowski.

We wish him all the best in his incredible venture.