Blooming good show for gardening teacher

Leanne Wood with long curly brown hair standing next to her garden
Leanne Wood said getting three awards was "amazing" [Leanne Wood]

A primary school teacher walked away with three awards from the BBC Gardeners' World Live event in Birmingham.

Leanne Wood, from Bugbrooke near Northampton, received a platinum award along with prizes for best beautiful border and best magazine subscriber.

Her show garden, measuring just three square metres, was called "Following in My Footsteps" and included a mud kitchen.

Ms Wood said collecting the awards was "amazing".

Two glass bowls inscribed with "BBC Gardeners' World Live"
Leanne Wood won a platinum award and the awards for best beautiful border and best magazine subscriber [Leanne Wood]

"Share my space" was the theme of this year's beautiful borders event, with judges looking for gardens where people could "come together, learn from one another and cultivate a shared green oasis".

Wooden weaving seat amid flowers and fruit
The garden included a mud kitchen, sensory path, Jurassic jungle and weaving seat [Leanne Wood]
Wooden bordered-garden with flowers in pots and beds
Leanne Wood said she was pleased the garden had inspired people [Leanne Wood]

Ms Wood had to work with a plot of just three square metres and said she was inspired by her grandparents' garden.

Her show plot included a cobbled area - a feature she remembered from her grandparents' house.

Flowers around a wooden seat
The garden had been inspired by Leanne Wood's grandparents' garden [Leanne Wood]

Ms Wood described the awards as "amazing" and added: "It’s been wonderful to listen to visitors reactions to the border.

"Many have picked out elements that they’d like to replicate at home and I’m so pleased it has inspired so many.

"The whole experience has been amazing and I’m totally blown away with the success that we have had."

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