This bride had "de-bloat" pills on every table at her wedding

the internet is freaking out about this bride's wedding day diet
Wild wedding menu goes viral on TikTok @thefitfatale on TikTok

Let’s be honest: weddings aren’t known for being culinary destinations. Whether you’re checking off a vague menu option when you RSVP or wading through long buffet lines, your meal most likely won’t be the highlight of the night.

But we’d gladly take heat lamp-roasted beef and dry chicken over the controversial wedding food that went viral on TikTok this weekend.

Sam Cutler, the fitness influencer behind @thefitfatale, shared all the details of her wedding on her social media channels. Between posts of flower-covered tables and multiple outfit changes, her post about her wedding day diet sparked serious controversy.

Her pre-ceremony prep included two smoothies from Playa Bowls, a few bites of her maid of honour’s grain salad, and a veggie platter for the bridal party.


Wanting to eat light ahead of an evening of food-filled festivities? Completely understandable. But the rest of the day’s menu appears alarmingly restrictive.

The first somewhat substantial course of the day was the cocktail hour, where Cutler indulged in raw oysters and tiny plantain avocado bites (which, full disclosure, looked delicious).

Then, the sit-down dinner began with a bang. And by bang, we mean a chopped salad wrapped in a cucumber slice. For the table, guests could also enjoy gluten-free bread pucks.

Everyone enjoyed a palate cleanser of ice and lemon before moving on to the main: salmon, roasted potatoes, and a few pieces of broccolini. It’s important to note that there is no sauce to be found.

Cutler also provided de-bloating pills for every table. That’s right, these anti-bloat supplements were one of the post-meal party favours.


And since every wedding should be celebrated with cake, Cutler rounded out the meal with a diet-approved gluten-free, sugar-free chocolate cake. If any guests were craving some more dessert, they could visit the candy table stocked exclusively with Unreal chocolates and Smart Sweets.

Even Cutler’s drink of choice was health-conscious. She only sipped on low-sugar rosé and some Moët & Chandon.

Naturally, people on social media flooded the post to express their shock.

One user wrote, “The way I would’ve been hitting up Taco Bell after this wedding.” There was a late-night taco bar, although we're guessing it wasn't catered by the fast food chain.

“I wish I could be a fly on the wall to hear the guests complaining on the car ride home,” another wrote.

“Bloat pills on every table was my last straw,” another user chimed in.


Many commenters also made the connection to the almond mom trend going around on TikTok. Maintaining intense calorie counting and food restriction on your own wedding day, for most users, seemed beyond excessive.

After racking up over 4.5 million views on TikTok, Cutler posted again to call out the “bullying” on her original video.

“I am so proud of my husband and I for working to be the best version of ourselves for our own highest potential and each other,” she said. “Our day was OUR DAY, and I wouldn’t change a damn thing.”

If you’re worried about your own or someone else’s health, you can contact Beat, the UK’s eating disorder charity, 365 days a year on 0808 801 0677 or

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