New Captain America meme wants to talk to you about your questionable life decisions

Captain America is a stand-up type of guy, always motivated to do the right thing. It only makes sense that he is the spokesperson for morality, sitting you down to question bad decisions you've made.

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Just look at his detention PSA in Spiderman: Homecoming. You bet that it made Peter Parker second-guess his decisions.

Though this scene first appeared almost a year ago, it's just starting to be memed, possibly to heal the heartbreak that was the last Marvel meme

Why the despair of Infinity memes, when you can have friendly but firm Captain America sitting you down for an intervention? Honestly, he is the role model we all need.

If we're going to be called out for questionable behavior, it's best done by someone as kind and well-meaning (and also totally chiseled) as good ol' Cap. 

And, of course, what is a meme if it doesn't meme old memes?

And for those of you reading this on the clock, planning one of your own Cap memes, there's one for you. 

WATCH: You won't feel so good if you watched this before watching 'Avengers: Infinity War

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