Council buys waterside land for regeneration

Aerial view of development land next to a road and a marina full of small boats
The two sites include part of a former gas works [Dorset Council]

Dorset Council has acquired two pieces of waterfront land in Weymouth as part of plans to regenerate the town's waterfront economy.

The brownfield sites at Westwey and Newstead Road include part of a former gas works.

The authority was awarded £19.5m of Levelling Up money to help fund its waterfront plans.

The council already owns three other sites at North Quay, Weymouth Bowl and the Peninsula.

Dorset Council's director for assets and regeneration, Tim Hulme, said the acquisitions were a "milestone" in the town's regeneration and would act as a "catalyst to attract investment".

"Weymouth is already a fantastic place but we recognise that it does need investment to create a more diverse, thriving town," he said.

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