General Election 2024 LIVE: Starmer and Sunak give final speeches as campaigns come to a close

General Election 2024 LIVE: Starmer and Sunak give final speeches as campaigns come to a close

Sir Keir Starmer and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak have made their final pitches to voters hours before millions vote in the General Election.

The Labour leader wrapped up his campaign at a community centre in Redditch, telling activists “if you want change you have to vote for it”.

Sir Keir signed off saying: “Imagine a Britain moving forward together with a Labour government. That’s what we are fighting for, let’s continue that fight.”

The politician told reporters that being in opposition has been “the least productive nine years of my life” adding that Labour would get to work straight away.

Meanwhile The Prime Minister was joined by his parents and his wife Akshata Murty for the final stump speech of the election campaign.

Mr Sunak vowed “this underdog will fight to the final whistle” as he made the last speech of the trail at Romsey Rugby Club, north of Southampton where he grew up.

The Prime Minister urged Tory activists to continue campaigning, claiming they had “urgent work to do” to “save the UK” from a Labour government.

Labour are on track for a landslide victory and could break a series of electoral records along the way, according to the final YouGov poll projection of the campaign.

The opposition party will win a majority of 212 seats in the election tomorrow, and Sir Keir will enjoy the biggest majority for any single party since 1832 in a vote, YouGov predicts.

Sixteen of the 26 cabinet ministers still standing, including Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, will lose their seats, according to the pollster

It comes as a separate poll says that Labour is set for an upset in Islington North, where the party’s former leader Jeremy Corbyn has a 91 per cent chance of winning.

This morning a Cabinet minister admitted Labour was heading for an “extraordinary landside” victory on a scale probably never seen before in British history.Mel Stride made the remarks on Wednesday morning as another opinion poll predicted the Conservatives will be reduced to just three seats in London.

Boris Johnson made a dramatic and unexpected 11th-hour campaign appearance as he rallied Tory supporters in Chelsea on Tuesday night.

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Live coverage ends

22:44 , Jacob Phillips

Live coverage has ended.

Read all the latest political stories from the Standard here.

Starmer 'owes it to children' to keep them out of the limelight

22:12 , Jacob Phillips

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said keeping his children out of the limelight is something which he owes them.

Taking a question about Thursday potentially being his final day in opposition before a forecast election win, Sir Keir said: “I have talked about the concern I have about my children.

“I don’t want to overly talk about my children because I don’t want to bring them into this – that’s the very thing I’ve been trying not to do.

“Look, it’s not easy if you’re 16 and 13-and-a-half to go through big changes in your life if that’s what happens, and so, you know, they’re understandably at an age where this is very impactful on them, which is why I’ve been so fiercely protective of them for many years now and will continue to try to be so.

“That’s just a very personal thing that I owe them.”

Asked about whether he had plans to “do something special tomorrow”, Sir Keir said: “I think tomorrow may be pretty busy, so I’ve not made promises I can’t keep to anyone, including my children.”

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, centre, with local parliamentary candidate Chris Bloore and other supporters arriving for a visit to Redditch in Worcestershire (Jacob King/PA) (PA Wire)
Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, centre, with local parliamentary candidate Chris Bloore and other supporters arriving for a visit to Redditch in Worcestershire (Jacob King/PA) (PA Wire)

East London constituency on knife edge as abuse of Labour candidate condemned

21:57 , Jacob Phillips

Labour is narrowly ahead in a key three-way marginal seat in east London, according to a major poll published with just over 12 hours to go before voters begin casting their ballots.

Sir Iain Duncan Smith is hoping to cling on in the Chingford and Woodford Green seat, where Labour candidate Shama Tatler is ahead on 35 per cent of the vote and the former Tory leader on 26 per cent, according to the YouGov survey on Wednesday evening.

It has not been a smooth ride for Brent councillor Ms Tatler since she was parachuted in to fight for the constituency after her predecessor Faiza Shaheen was de-selected for liking a series of tweets that allegedly downplayed allegations of antisemitism.

Read the latest updates from Chingford and Woodford Green here.


Ofcom will not investigate Channel 4 News over Reform story


Ofcom will not investigate Channel 4 News after Nigel Farage’s Reform UK claimed the broadcaster used an actor as a “plant” in its undercover investigation into his campaign.

The UK watchdog said it had received more than 270 complaints about Channel 4 News’s programme titled Undercover Inside Reform’s campaign, which saw a canvasser named Andrew Parker filmed using a racial slur to describe Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

After the expose aired, Reform’s party secretary Adam Richardson said in a letter to the Electoral Commission that it was “entirely evident that Mr Parker was a plant within the Channel 4 news piece”, adding that the broadcast “cannot be described as anything short of election interference”.

On Wednesday, Ofcom said after “urgently” assessing the complaints against the due accuracy, due impartiality and offence rules under the Broadcasting Code, “we have concluded that they do not raise substantive issues warranting further investigation”.


Starmer and Sunak give final messages

20:58 , Jacob Phillips

Rishi Sunak and Sir Keir Starmer have made their final pitch to voters hours before polls open across the country.

Sir Keir has given his last speech of the election campaign at a community centre in Redditch.

Speaking to cheering activists for the final time before polls open, the Labour leader signed off saying: “Imagine a Britain moving forward together with a Labour government.

“That’s what we are fighting for, let’s continue that fight.

“If you want change, you have to vote for it.”

 (POOL/AFP via Getty Images)
(POOL/AFP via Getty Images)

Meanwhile Mr Sunak was joined by his parents and his wife Akshata Murty for the final stump speech of the election campaign.

The Prime Minister stood for a photo with his family after giving a speech at Romsey Rugby Club, north of Southampton where he grew up.

“This underdog will fight to the final whistle,” Mr Sunak said during his last speech on the trail.

The Prime Minister urged Tory activists to continue campaigning, claiming they had “urgent work to do” to “save the UK” from a Labour government.

Poll predicts Tories will have worst election result in history

19:21 , Jacob Phillips

The Prime Minister is on course for the worst election result in history and will hold on to just 82 seats, a new poll has suggested.

A major poll by Techne survey for The Independent believes Labour is on course for a 272-seat majority, with Sir Keir Starmer set to win 461 seats.

The poll has predicted that the Liberal Democrats would win 55 seats and suggested Reform UK leader Nigel Farage would become an MP on his eighth attempt.

Rishi Sunak could win just 82 seats (PA Wire)
Rishi Sunak could win just 82 seats (PA Wire)

Can you still vote without a polling card?

19:08 , Jacob Phillips

Londoners are now hours away from casting their votes in the General Election.

Those who have registered might have already or will soon receive their polling cards, detailing information like where your local polling station is.

It’s also a good idea to take your polling card down to the station with you when you go to vote, along with your photo ID.

Voters are still able to vote without their polling cards. Find out more about what you will need to cast your vote here.

Lib Dems focused on taking Conservative seats, Daisy Cooper says

18:50 , Jacob Phillips

Liberal Democrat deputy leader Daisy Cooper said the party has focused on taking Conservative seats in the General Election rather than competing with Labour.

She told the PA news agency that the Conservatives have “taken a wrecking ball to standards in public life”.

She said: “We’ve always said that our target is to remove as many Conservative MPs as possible. We are in second place to the Conservatives in around 80 seats around the country, and we’ve had to target our resources in those areas.”

Read the full story here.

Liberal Democrats deputy leader Daisy Cooper and party leader Sir Ed Davey (James Manning/PA) (PA Wire)
Liberal Democrats deputy leader Daisy Cooper and party leader Sir Ed Davey (James Manning/PA) (PA Wire)

School fees plan hits Labour in target London seats

18:37 , Jacob Phillips

Labour is predicted to win a record majority on Thursday and sweep up seats across the capital, including some the party has never won before.

But in London’s wealthiest borough there are signs that the party’s policy to add 20 per cent tax to private school fees is proving more problematic for candidates than elsewhere.

Labour has pledged to end the VAT exemption to raise an estimated £1.6billion that it says will be used to hire 6,500 teachers in the state sector.

Read more here.

Labour has said it would change VAT rules on private schools
Labour has said it would change VAT rules on private schools

Farage speaking in Clacton

18:20 , Tom Davidson

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage has entered his party’s rally at Clacton pier on an army vehicle to the tune of Without Me by Eminem.

The vehicle drove through the crowds before reversing, narrowly avoiding contact with a woman in a mobility scooter.

Ed Davey in a pink Cadillac?

18:02 , Tom Davidson

Sir Ed Davey drove off in a pink cadillac convertible with his deputy Daisy Cooper after his last election campaign stop.

The Lib Dem leader gave a stump speech at Hammond’s End Farm in Harpenden to the tune of ABBA’s Take A Chance On Me.

Confetti and pyrotechnics blasted out before Sir Ed and Ms Cooper sat in the back of the car and departed.

Sir Ed told a crowd of assembled supporters: “We have a special job to kick the Conservatives out of government and then to start repairing the terrible damage they’ve done to our country.”

He said he had enjoyed the campaign, which saw him travel the entire length of the UK, travel 6,000 miles on the Lib Dem’s Yellow Hammer One bus and bungee 160 feet.

But he added: “Communities are angry. The water companies have been allowed to pour their filthy sewage into our rivers, lakes and onto our beaches. This has to change.

“The Conservatives have got to go. And in so many parts of our great United Kingdom the Liberal Democrats have shown that we are the party to get the Conservatives out.”

Sunak knocks on doors near local Conservative HQ

17:32 , Tom Davidson

As the final day of campaigning drew to a close, Rishi Sunak joined a Tory candidate doorknocking in the Hamble Valley constituency in Hampshire.

The Prime Minister and Paul Holmes knocked on doors in a street of prosperous-looking homes with neatly kept gardens, just minutes’ walk away from the Southern Parishes Conservative Club in the town of Hedge End.

Mr Sunak had a largely warm welcome on the doors from the men and women he met, apart from one man who appeared to express concerns about austerity and his predecessors as prime minister.

Ahead of doorknocking, the Prime Minister helped members at the local Conservative club sorting campaign leaflets.

When he left the room, a large number of those present were told they could stand down their efforts and were asked to return the rosettes they were wearing as the blue ribbons were in short supply.

YouGov's final prediction

17:24 , Tom Davidson

YouGov pollsters have said Labour will win 431 seats, which almost matches a similar figure produced by More in Common (430 seats).

In the company’s final MRP poll before voting begins on Thursday, YouGov forecast the Tories would secure 102 seats, with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak facing “wipeouts in North East, North West and Wales”.

The Liberal Democrats are forecast to win 72, with Reform UK on three and the Green Party on two.

The SNP are forecast to win 18 seats.

According to YouGov polling, 89 seats remain “tossups”.

YouGov predicts historic Labour landslide

17:15 , Tom Davidson

A disastrous election night is in store for the Tories if YouGov is correct.

Starmer welcomes The Sun endorsement


Sir Keir Starmer said he was “delighted” to have received the backing of The Sun for the General Election.

Answering media questions after a stump speech in Glasgow, the Labour leader said: “I’m delighted to have the support and the backing of The Sun.

“I think that shows just how much this is a changed Labour Party, back in the service of working people.”

Farage defends support of self-proclaimed misogynist Andrew Tate

16:20 , Tom Davidson

Nigel Farage has lamented young men being unable to “tell jokes that might offend the Germans” during the Euros.

Asked about his own appeal to young male voters and the influencer Andrew Tate, who Mr Farage has previously described as an “important voice” for young men, the Reform UK leader said: “Oh I think Andrew Tate’s built a huge following amongst these people, despite a lot of imperfections – serious imperfections.

“I think a lot of young men feel emasculated.

“I mean, look at the football. You know, they’re told go to Germany, please don’t drink more than two pints of beer – you what? Don’t chant at the football matches – you what? Oh, don’t tell jokes that might offend the Germans, I mean, come on.

“We are trying to stop young men being young men – that’s why Tate’s got the following he’s got so what I’m doing is maybe a part of a similar phenomenon.”

Quizzed about who is trying to “stop young men being young men”, he said: “Everybody, everybody, everybody. I mean, you know, actually, the Football Association giving out these messages – ‘don’t chant at a football match’. If I couldn’t drink beer and chant at a football match when I was 21 I wouldn’t go.”

Farage was appearing with boxer Derek Chisora (REUTERS)
Farage was appearing with boxer Derek Chisora (REUTERS)

Second major poll in 24 hours forecasts bigger Labour landslide than 1997

15:54 , Tom Davidson

Another pollster has forecasted the Tories’ worst ever loss in Thursday’s vote, with Labour set to outperform its 1997 landslide victory in this year’s General Election.

Chancellor Jeremy Hunt, Defence Secretary Grant Shapps and Veterans Minister Johnny Mercer are set to lose their seats, according to More In Common’s MRP poll of 13,556 adults across Great Britain, for The News Agents podcast.

Labour is set for an upset in Islington North, where the party’s former leader Jeremy Corbyn has a 91% chance of winning, but is on for around 430 seats in total, reducing the Conservatives Party’s House of Commons tally to 126.

More in Common has also forecasted Reform UK winning two seats, likely Ashfield in Nottinghamshire which the party’s Lee Anderson won in 2019 as a Conservative and Clacton in Essex, where Nigel Farage is standing.

Read the full story here.

Sunak denies Tories have abandoned the centre

15:38 , Tom Davidson

Rishi Sunak has denied that the Tories have left centrist voters behind.

Asked if he had veered too far to the right with the possibility of votes being taken by the Liberal Democrats, the Prime Minister said “no”.

He added: “I think that our plan is one that is squarely in what the mainstream majority of the British public want. Having your taxes cut, your pension protected, and our borders secure I just think are what common sense majority of the British people want.”

Mr Sunak also told reporters he is fully responsible for Thursday’s result as “the leader of the party”.

How powerful is a supermajority in the House of Commons?

15:16 , Tom Davidson

As Conservatives continue to raise concerns about untrammelled power if Labour wins a landslide, how do large majorities work in the UK?Read more here.

Sunak mostly campaigning in Tory constituencies

14:43 , Tom Davidson

Rishi Sunak has so far held events in 54 different constituencies since the first full day of the election campaign on May 23, according to data compiled by the PA news agency.

Some 45 of these 54 seats are Conservative defences and include nine where Mr Sunak’s party has enormous notional majorities of more than 20,000, such as Hinckley & Bosworth in Leicestershire (22,851), Thirsk & Malton in North Yorkshire (23,337) and Honiton & Sidmouth in Devon (26,229).

In 29 of the 45 seats, the Tories are defending majorities of over 10,000 and include places like Macclesfield in Cheshire, which has been won by the Conservatives at every general election since 1918; Banbury in Oxfordshire, won by the Tories at every election since 1922; and Stratford-on-Avon in Warwickshire, won by the Conservatives at every election since 1950.

By the end of Wednesday, Sir Keir Starmer is due to have visited 57 different seats during the campaign, including 43 being defended by the Conservatives; while Sir Ed Davey will have clocked up 49 different constituencies, of which 41 are Tory defences.

"Nobody should be taking the British people for granted"

14:04 , Tom Davidson

A minister has rejected the suggestion that the election is “over” for the Conservatives after a Cabinet member all but conceded defeat on Wednesday.

However, Andrew Griffith echoed Mel Stride’s warning that if the polls are correct, Labour will win a majority “unprecedented in modern history”.

Asked whether he agreed with Suella Braverman that it was over for the Tories, the science minister told BBC Radio 4’s World at One: “No, not at all.”

He added: “Nobody should be taking the British people for granted.

“I think what Mel was talking about was the very real jeopardy of a Labour government.”

Andrew Griffith (PA)
Andrew Griffith (PA)

Theresa May at Wimbledon

13:43 , Tom Davidson

Theresa May is not out on the stump for Tory candidates, rather the former prime minister and her husband are enjoying the action on Centre Court at Wimbledon.

 (Jordan Pettitt/PA Wire)
(Jordan Pettitt/PA Wire)

'No criminal offences by Reform activists' - police

13:25 , Tom Davidson

No criminal offences were committed by Reform UK activists campaigning for Nigel Farage who were filmed by an undercover journalist for Channel 4, Essex Police said.

The force said in a statement: “Having assessed the comments made during a Channel 4 news programme, and all other information available to us, we have concluded that no criminal offences have taken place.”

The footage showed canvasser Andrew Parker using a racial slur about Rishi Sunak and suggesting migrants arriving in the UK on small boats should be used as “target practice”.

Another activist described the Pride flag as “degenerate” and suggested members of the LGBT community are paedophiles.

Mr Farage claimed he was the victim of a stitch-up because Mr Parker is an actor, although he insisted he was there as a Reform activist and Channel 4 said he was “not known” to the broadcaster before being “filmed covertly via the undercover operation”.

What should and should I not do on election day?


Millions of people across the UK will cast their votes in the General Election on Thursday, choosing MPs in 650 constituencies and contributing to a national result which will decide who is the prime minister.

From photo ID to bringing furry friends, here is everything you need to know about what you should, and should not, do on the day itself.

Read the advice here.

YouGov asks Labour voters about their reasons

12:40 , Tom Davidson

Does this polling suggest that the Starmer/Labour honeymoon may be shortlived?

The Standard backs Labour

12:10 , Tom Davidson

The Standard has backed Labour and Keir Starmer in tomorrow’s election.

Read why here.

 (Evening Standard)
(Evening Standard)

Plaid leader calls Tories 'desperate'

12:02 , Tom Davidson

The leader of Plaid Cymru has said the Conservatives are “desperate” for attacking Sir Keir Starmer for wanting to spend Friday evenings with his children.

Sir Keir said earlier this week that Friday night dinner is important to his family and that he tries to “not do a work-related thing after 6pm” on Fridays.

This led to senior Conservatives criticising the Labour leader, accusing him of being a “part-time prime minister”.

Speaking to the PA news agency on Wednesday, Rhun ap Iorwerth, the leader of Plaid, said: “I think that the Conservatives are pretty desperate if they’re coming down to that kind of level of personal attack.

“People attack me personally all the time and I tend to try to ignore it.

“What we need to focus on is what’s really at stake in this election.

“Conservatives are going – high time – Labour will form the next government, but we can hold them to account.”

Sunak tries to play down Mel Stride's admission of defeat

11:41 , Tom Davidson

Rishi Sunak has tried to play down Mel Stride’s comments that the polls show the Tories will not win the election and the priority should be ensuring that Labour do not get a “supermajority”.

Speaking to This Morning, the Prime Minister said: “He wasn’t quite saying that. Actually, you know, what Mel was doing was warning of what a very large Labour majority, unchecked, would mean for people.”

He added: “I’m fighting hard for every vote. Here’s what I’d say, actually, here’s what I’d say.

“We just saw some analysis which showed that just 130,000 people can make the difference in this election. So, everyone watching who thinks, ‘oh, this is all a foregone conclusion’, it’s not.”

Sunak: 'Sandwiches my favourite meal but it'll be pie on election night'

11:24 , Tom Davidson

Rishi Sunak has said his favourite meal is “sandwiches”.

Asked about his final meal in Number 10, should he lose his role after voting on Thursday, the Prime Minister told ITV’s This Morning: “Well, my favourite meal generally is sandwiches. You know, I’m a big sandwich person.

“But, actually, I always have on election night – we have a bit of a tradition, my local butcher, one of my local butchers called Kitson’s in Northallerton High Street, always do a special election pie.”

Mr Sunak described the pie as a “very good pork pie with a special chutney and some cheese as well, on top”, and added he has had the pie at all the elections he has stood at in the Richmond, Yorkshire, constituency.

“I have to check in with them,” he said.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak eats Christmas dinner with troops at the Tapa military base, in Tapa, Estonia (PA Wire)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak eats Christmas dinner with troops at the Tapa military base, in Tapa, Estonia (PA Wire)

Starmer accepts donation of new clothes

10:58 , Tom Davidson

Sir Keir Starmer said he had complied with the rules after accepting a donation of new clothes worth £1,600.

Asked what the justification was for him accepting the free clothes, Sir Keir replied: “The declarations are really clear, if we take money from anyone on anything over a certain amount of money, it has to be declared.

“I have complied with all that, it’s all in the register.”

Pressed on whether he is comfortable accepting this amount, he said: “Everything’s done in accordance with the register and the public declarations.”

Rishi Sunak: My final appeal to Londoners to vote Tory

10:41 , Tom Davidson

Rishi Sunak has written for the Standard giving his final appeal to Londoners to vote Tory tomorrow.

He says: “Tomorrow, Londoners will be part of deciding the nation’s future. You will be casting your ballot in one of the most important elections in a generation.

“We have a record of taking the bold action this country needs and a clear plan for the future. Labour has no plan and they have not been upfront and honest about what they would do in power.”

He also repeats his frequently-challenged claim that Labour will increase taxes by £2,094.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s party trails in the polls (PA Wire)
Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s party trails in the polls (PA Wire)

You can read it in full here.

Boris Johnson's campaign appearance 'makes my case for me' - Starmer

10:31 , Tom Davidson

Asked if he is worried that Mr Johnson’s return to politics will spark a late surge in Tory votes, the Labour leader said: “No, I’m not worried in the slightest, having argued for six weeks that they’re chaotic and divided, to bring out exhibit A, with 24 hours to go, just vindicated the argument I’ve been making.

“I think Rishi started campaigning with (David) Cameron at his side, I don’t think that worked so very well. Then he borrowed Liz Truss’ playbook and put unfunded commitments in his manifesto, and then he wheeled out Boris Johnson last night, it makes my case for me.

“I’m only assuming that some time about lunchtime today there’ll be a joint press conference with Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak on economic stability for the country going forward, I suspect that’s what’s coming next.”

Starmer asked if he was rattled by Boris Johnson entering the campaign

10:22 , Tom Davidson

Sir Keir Starmer said he was “not in the slightest” rattled by Boris Johnson’s intervention in the Conservative campaign.

Asked whether he was concerned by the former prime minister’s appearance given his appeal to some voters, the Labour leader told broadcasters on a campaign visit to Carmarthenshire: “Not in the slightest.

“I’ve been arguing the last 14 years have been about chaos and division. Last night they wheeled out the architect of chaos and division, so I think that just shows the kind of desperate, negative place they’ve got to with their campaign.”

He said the Labour campaign had been, by contrast, “positive, confident” and “about the change that we need in our country”.

'Country needs a government with a clear mandate'


Pat McFadden has dismissed concerns over a Labour “supermajority” and told GB News “the country needs a government with a clear mandate”.

He told the programme that Labour would not swing to the left if it is elected, adding: “It’s pretty clear how far we’ve come from five years ago and people like me are not going to change our stripes depending on the size of the result tomorrow.

“All this stuff about supermajority – I mean what is that? Did anyone say that the Conservatives didn’t have a right to rule when they won the election in 2019 – they got a majority, how many is a supermajority?

“It’s a ridiculous figure and I think it’s disrespectful to the electorate to somehow be telling them what to do and trying to calibrate the exact result.

“In fact, I think the country needs a government with a clear mandate, it needs a government that’s strong enough to face up to the challenges we’re facing, because one of the problems that we’ve had in recent years had been been weak governments that are pushed around, can’t take decisions – five different prime ministers in just seven years, seven different chancellors, always flip-flopping, changes of direction, question marks over the UK as a stable (and) investible country, a disastrous mini-budget. “

'14 years of chaos and division'

10:03 , Tom Davidson

As he began the final day of campaigning, Sir Keir Starmer told activists in Carmarthenshire: “We’ve now had 14 years of chaos and division and failure, and the choice tomorrow is to bring that to an end, to turn the page and to start to rebuild with Labour.

“I’ve been saying throughout this campaign that if they are returned on Friday for five more years of the Tories we won’t get anything different, it will be the same.

“They’ve evidenced it in the campaign because Rishi Sunak started by campaigning with David Cameron.

“Then he borrowed Liz Truss’s programme and put it in his manifesto of unfunded tax cuts.

“And last night they wheeled out Boris Johnson.

“When I say chaos, division and failure, they’ve just exhibited it in the campaign.”

 (Getty Images)
(Getty Images)

Labour 'would work with France's Far-Right on small boats crisis'

09:15 , Miriam Burrell

A Labour government would work with a far-right administration in France to tackle the “small boats” Channel crisis if it wins elections on Sunday, one of Sir Keir Starmer’s top allies has said.

Pat McFadden, Labour’s National Campaign Co-ordinator, said if his party wins the July 4 election as polls suggest it will deal with whoever is in charge in France to address joint challenges.

He told BBC Radio this morning: “This is an international trade, this people trafficking, and it’s important to have international co-operation.”

Read more here.

 (PA Wire)
(PA Wire)

Tories to slump to just three London seats, poll finds

08:55 , Miriam Burrell

The Conservatives are set to slump to just three seats in Greater London according to the latest large-scale poll by Survation.

From 20 constituencies in the outgoing Parliament, the Tories will hold on to just Chelsea & Fulham, Sutton & Cheam, and Ruislip, Northwood & Pinner, the MRP poll forecast.

But even those races are tight, especially in Chelsea & Fulham, with Conservative London minister Greg Hands holding a projected vote share of 37.0% to 35.6% for Labour’s Ben Coleman.

Read more here.

Greg Hands (left) and Ben Coleman (ES Composite)
Greg Hands (left) and Ben Coleman (ES Composite)

Labour heading for 'extraordinary landslide' win

08:38 , Miriam Burrell

Labour is heading for an “extraordinary landside” victory on a scale probably never seen before in Britain, a Cabinet minister said this morning.

As Tories despair over the threat of a crushing defeat on July 4, Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride told GB News: “If you look at the polls it’s pretty clear that Labour at this stage are heading for an extraordinary landside on a scale that has probably, never ever been seen in this country before.

“That is why it’s so important that Boris’ (Johnson) message, my message, the Prime Minister’s message is...this is not a by-election tomorrow, this is going to set what happens to the next five, maybe ten years.”

“Let’s have a Parliament that can hold the government to account.”

Read more here.

Mel Stride (PA Wire)
Mel Stride (PA Wire)

What's happening today?

08:32 , Miriam Burrell

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is campaigning in south-east England with an education-related visit in Hampshire this afternoon. He will speak at a campaign event there this evening.

Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer is set to give stump speeches in Carmarthenshire in Wales, East Kilbride in South Lanarkshire, and Redditch in Worcestershire.

Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey is visiting Chippenham this morning and Harpenden this afternoon.

Nigel Farage campaigns in Clacton, with a visit to a boxing gym and Clacton Pier scheduled.

Final day of campaigning under way...

08:25 , Michael Howie

Good morning and welcome to the Standard’s election live blog. The party leaders are throwing themselves into a final day of campaigning ahead of tomorrow’s poll - we’ll be bringing you all the developments as the UK prepares to decide who forms the next government.