Hailey Bieber Subjected Shay Mitchell To An Embarrassingly Easy Food Challenge

According to the dictionary, a "challenge" is defined as "something new and difficult which requires great effort and determination." With that being said, can someone please write that down and send it to Hailey Bieber, because her latest food "challenge" has us questioning if she's aware of what the word means.

During a clip from her Who's In My Bathroom YouTube series, Hailey and her guest, actress Shay Mitchell, took part in a French fry challenge. While this has the potential to be an exciting taste test, the French fries included were five of the most insanely different fast food fries on the planet.

"I think I'm gonna crush this," Shay declared at the start of the challenge. Yeahhh, we think you are too. Because it's so easy.

Check out a breakdown of the fries they tasted:


We have to admit that we chuckled harder than we should have when Shay slid in an "obviously" after guessing that the fries were from In-N-Out. It's giving foreshadowing.

Five Guys

The only thing that would have made this guess more obvious is if there were three pounds of fries dumped in a brown paper bag with a cup also stuffed with fries. I mean, come on, Hailey! They're literally Cajun-seasoned!


[deep sigh]

If you can't tell the difference between a McDonald's fry and literally any other fry in the world, then all your French fry privileges are revoked immediately. No restaurant fries, no air fryer fries, nothing.


Now, this is where things got a little spicy all thanks to some potato skin. The Wendy's fries were initially labeled Burger King until Hailey pointed out that Wendy's fries have potato skin on them. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to convince Shay.

Burger King

And to end the most anti-climatic challenge of all time was the anti-climatic reveal of the Burger King fries.

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