Harvey Weinstein enters emails with rape accuser into court case evidence

Harvey Weinstein has entered emails from his rape accuser into evidence in his ongoing court case, in which she told him she loves him.
The 66-year-old disgraced movie mogul - who has faced dozens of sexual harassment allegations - is currently in court facing rape charges for an incident which occurred in March 2013, and has now handed over emails which he believes will help to clear his name.
The documents, which have been obtained by The Blast, show email exchanges between Weinstein and the unnamed woman over a course of several years, between April 2013 and February 2017, and include messages which seemingly state the accuser held affections for the producer.
In one email dated on September 11 2013, the woman writes "Miss you big guy," followed by another email a few months later which reads: "You're the one who makes it look good with your smile and beautiful eyes."
A separate email sent on July 10 2014 reads: "There's no one else I would enjoy catching up with that understands me quite like you."
And in February last year, the accuser seemingly tells Weinstein she loves him in an email which stated: "I love you, always do. But I hate feeling like a booty call."
The Blast reports that along with the filing of the emails as evidence, Weinstein's attorney Benjamin Brafman, is seeking to dismiss "the indictment because the District Attorney failed to provide the Grand Jury with exculpatory evidence of the long-term, consensual, intimate relationship between Mr. Weinstein and the alleged rape victim."
Brafman then told The Blast: "The motions filed today reflect the first opportunity for Mr. Weinstein to present legal arguments as to why the indictment filed against him should be dismissed. Among the numerous grounds supporting dismissal, the motions reveal the existence of exculpatory evidence known to the prosecution but intentionally kept from the grand jurors, communications which corroborate Mr. Weinstein's factual innocence in this case."