Jewish man abused on Tube says he is now afraid of going into central London

A Jewish man who experienced antisemitic abuse on the Tube last week has said that he feels unable to wear his skullcap in central London for fear of being the victim of hate crime.

The father-of-three, who does not want to be identified, filmed a young man on the Northern line last week as he said, from across the aisle, “your religion kills Muslims”.

The film shared by charity Campaign Against Antisemitism has been seen almost two million times on Twitter and seen British Transport Police begin an investigation.

The force has confirmed it is searching for the male, aged 16-20, who was seen illegally puffing on a vape in the carriage between Camden Town and Chalk Farm on Thursday.

But despite the show of support, the victim says abuse has “got worse” since Israel and Hamas came into full armed conflict in October.

“I think there are situations where I would either wear a cap or take my Kippah off in certain areas of London, especially if I was by myself,” he told the Mail on Sunday.

“I'll tell you one thing, there's no way in a million years I would walk through central London on a Saturday with [pro-Palestine] marches going on wearing my skullcap. You just know what's gonna happen.”

The father, who lives in north west London and runs a consultancy firm, added that he would like his son to feel safe in the city but fears this might not be possible.

Antisemitic incidents in London have risen by 1,350 per cent and Islamophobic-related offences have increased by 140 per cent since the outbreak of war, it has been reported.

Benji Park wrote in the Evening Standard in November: “Anti semitism isn’t new for European Jews, but today anti-Zionism has become a new mutation for this age-old discrimination. It’s important to say that not all anti-Zionists are anti semitic, but a discernible link between the two has emerged.”

The Metropolitan Police has said: “We do not accept anti semitism in any shape or form.

“We're fully committed to supporting people affected by antisemitism.

“If you've witnessed or been the victim of a hate crime, you can report it online.

“By reporting hate crime, you may be able to prevent it from happening again.”