Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's trial 'wasn't sordid or grim'

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard are "two troubled but fascinating human beings", according to the author of a new book.
The 59-year-old actor and Amber, 37, were both involved in two high-profile court cases following their divorce in 2017 - but Nick Wallis insists he never found the trials to be "sordid or grim".
Nick - whose new book is called 'Depp v Heard: The Unreal Story' - told the Daily Mail newspaper: "I thought they were two troubled but fascinating human beings, trying to find their way in the world.
"They went through an extraordinary process, played out on a global stage."
The two trials - the first of which was held in London and the second in Virginia - created headlines around the world, with lurid details being revealed about their turbulent relationship.
But Nick - who covered both trials exhaustively - insists it never became "sordid or grim" at any stage.
Depp was awarded over $10 million in damages after suing his ex-wife over an op-ed that she wrote in 2018 about being a victim of domestic violence.
Camille Vasquez, the actor's lawyer, subsequently claimed that he was enjoying a "sense of peace" after winning his defamation case.
She told Hola USA: "The court was very kind to provide us with a room that we used for lunch and meetings and when we FaceTimed him he was so relieved, happy and grateful.
"It was nice to see him smile.
"A mutual friend told me, ‘I haven’t seen Johnny smile like that in six years.’
"It’s true, there’s a sense of peace to him now that he just didn’t have before.
"He was able to tell his story and was infinitely grateful and moved. We all were. I still get a bit emotional about it – to give him his life back."