Kim Kardashian West robbery: How she escaped

Kim Kardashian freed herself and ran to the balcony and screamed for help during her terrifying robbery ordeal in Paris, according to reports.

On Monday, the 35-year-old reality star was robbed at gunpoint in her room by five thieves dressed as policemen.

During the incident, the robbers zip tied her hands with plastic handcuffs, duct taped her, and stole more than $10 million worth of jewels.

Kim was tied up. Source: Getty Images.

Kardashian West had been asleep when she heard the robbers coming up the stairs of her two-story apartment behind La Madeleine church in the city's 8th arrondissement, TMZ reported.

She saw the men approaching her room through a sliding glass door and reportedly started dialling her bodyguard but her phone was snatched out of her hands.

Sources told TMZ the mother-of-two was wearing a bath robe when they barged into her room, and she told police when one of the robbers grabbed her ankles she feared she was going to be sexually assaulted.

Kim Kardashian had been staying at a private residence while attending Fashion Week in Paris. Source: Getty.

The reality TV star, who is married to Kanye West, told police the masked men tied her up and put in the bath where she began screaming and crying.

She said she begged for her life and screamed that she had two children so they duct taped her mouth shut.

Kardashian West - who has daughter North, three, and son Saint, nine months - said she couldn't understand the French-speaking robbers when they first barged in.

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But then she heard them repeating "ring, ring" and realised they must have been searching for her 20-carat emerald-cut Lorraine Schwartz ring given to her by husband.

The 35-year-old told them where the ring, which is worth a reported $4.5million, was.

The ordeal lasted around six minutes and the masked robbers took a jewellery box worth around $6.7 million and the 20-carat diamond ring, as well as two phones.

The five masked men escaped on rented bicycles, which are available throughout the city.

A source told People Magazine that Kardashian West managed to squeeze her hands out of the wrist ties by "wriggling her hands".

Another source said she "screamed from the balcony" after freeing herself.

Meanwhile, her friend Simone Harouche was sleeping downstairs in the two-storey abode and had locked herself in the bathroom when she heard the commotion.

Kim with her longtime friend and stylist, Simone. Source: Getty Images.

Harouche rang Kim's personal bodyguard Pascal Duvier, who was at the Arc nightclub less than two miles away.

But he arrived two minutes after the men had fled.

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Kardashian West was said to be "hysterical" when she rang her husband afterwards to tell him what had happened.

Kanye was performing in the US when he heard the news about Kim. Photo: Getty images

Kanye West was performing in New York at the time but stopped halfway through after he was told what had happened to his wife.

During his song 'Heartless', he told the crowd: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Family emergency, I have to stop the show."

She has since returned to New York in a private jet. Upon her arrival, she was reunited with her husband, mother Kris Jenner and her boyfriend Corey Gamble.

Kim arrived back in New York to be with her family. Source: Getty Images.

When she arrived back at her home with her family they were accompanied by 10 vehicles, 15 bodyguards and a group of local police officers.

The raven-haired beauty had been in the French capital with sisters Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner, who were with Pascal at the club when the incident occurred, to celebrate Paris Fashion Week.

Kim at Paris Fashion Week before the robbery. Source: Getty Images.

Her spokesperson said she was "badly shaken" but "physically unharmed" following the ordeal.

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Kim Kardashian West's bodyguard has vowed to track down the men who robbed her at gunpoint.

Duvier - who was out with her sisters Kendall Jenner and Kourtney Kardashian - is adamant the culprits will be found.

He told MailOnline: "The events that occurred in Paris was one of the most sickening things I have seen or heard.

"We have tips and leads and we will find you. That I promise messed with the wrong one."

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Police sources have revealed Kardashian West was tailed by two men in the days before the robbery, with the suspects - described as Caucasian and North African and having French accents - posing as a plain-clothes detective and a photographer to gain 'close surveillance' information ahead of the terrifying incident.

And one had even tried to gain access to the 'Keeping Up With the Kardashians' star's apartment within the exclusive Hotel Pourtales.

Kim Kardashian West attends the Givenchy show. Source: Getty.

A source said: "Kim Kardashian was tailed for at least three days before the robbery.

"We know there was one man who pretended to be a photographer who followed the American celebrity on a motorbike to find out her whereabouts. Another man pretended to be a plain-clothed detective to try to get a seat next to her at the exclusive Ferdi restaurant on Thursday night.

"But both men were fakes. The photographer tried to listen in to the conversations by other snappers but he was challenged by the genuine ones.

"And the so-called policeman fled when staff at Ferdi asked to see his credentials."

Kim Kardashian has been in Paris for Fashion Week and had been pushing the fashion boundaries during her time there. Source: Getty.

Officers suspect the raid was carried out by a "sophisticated international criminal organisation".

The source added: "We know the licence plate of one of the vehicles used, a Fiat 500, and a photograph of one of the suspects. They both appear to be French and highly professional.

"But this kind of robbery could only have been carried out by a sophisticated international criminal organisation.

"It would have to be if they had any hope of re-classify the stolen jewels and sell them again."