King to present cadets with colours during visit

King Charles III
The presentation will take place during the royal visit in July [PA Media]

King Charles III will present Jersey Sea Cadets with their King's Colours during his royal visit in July.

Vice Adm Jerry Kyd CBE, his Excellency the Lieutenant Governor, announced the plans during the 75th anniversary celebrations of the TS Jersey Sea Cadets on Saturday.

The King and Queen Camilla will visit Jersey as part of a royal trip to the Channel Islands on 15 July.

Mr Kyd said it was a "significant honour" for the island and its youth cadets.

He said: "I am truly thrilled and delighted.

"The Sea Cadets, along with the other youth organisations, provide our young people with fantastic life skills and experience that I believe support their personal development and help prepare them for their adult life, including building confidence and leadership.”

'A true privilege'

Lt Cdr David Thompson said it would be "a true privilege to be in the presence of His Majesty on the day of the royal visit".

He added: "On the 75th anniversary of this unit, in the company of so many former cadets, I could not want for better news.”

The Bailiff’s Chambers said it would provide further details of the presentation within the royal visit programme "in the coming weeks".

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