Lauren Harries’ mother issues plea for help after Celebrity Big Brother star undergoes brain surgery

Lauren Harries in hospital following brain surgery (@LaurenHarries via Twitter)
Lauren Harries in hospital following brain surgery (@LaurenHarries via Twitter)

The mother of Celebrity Big Brother star Lauren Harries has issued a plea for help after doctors were unable to diagnose her daughters’ troubling medical symptoms.

Harries, 45, is still in hospital after undergoing emergency brain surgery last month.

On her daughter’s Twitter account, Harries’s mother wrote: “Please help: Lauren has had a number of blackouts after which the right side of her face droops. This is incredibly scary for Lauren and us. She also has a consistent headache.

“[Doctors] haven’t been able to explain what is causing these. Have you or someone you know been through this? Any ideas or help you could give will be so helpful.”

She also credited the NHS with saving her daughter’s life, but expressed concern over the “scary” new symptoms.

“@NHSuk have saved Lauren but they can’t find any answers for this and it is so scary when it happens, it happened again yesterday,” she wrote. “Please help find out what’s causing these!”

Harries is a TV personality who found fame as a child through appearances on Terry Wogan’s chat show Wogan, featuring as a precocious antiques specialist. She later competed on the 2013 series of Celebrity Big Brother, ulimately finishing in third place.

Her mother has kept fans updated as her daughter was rushed to hospital for surgery.

“Thank you for your prayers & good wishes and cards & flowers!” she wrote, on 2 May. “Lauren is still recovering from neurosurgery, & a chest and throat infection. Lauren would also like to thank the NHS Nurses & Doctors. Physiotherapy next, while she is fighting a permanent headache. ‘Peace and light’.”