Are LED masks revolutionising hair growth?

led masks for hair growth
Are LED masks revolutionising hair growth?Miguel Angel Partido Garcia - Getty Images

The meeting of technological advancements with our increased awareness of hair health means that many of us are investing in solutions to address hair loss and promote healthier hair growth. At the forefront of this revolution are devices harnessing the power of LED, which experts agree really do work.

“LED technology for hair growth utilises low-level light therapy (LLLT) with red or near-infrared light to stimulate hair follicles,” one of London’s leading trichologists, Hannah Gaboardi, tells us. Noting that scientific studies support its effectiveness in improving hair density and thickness, she explains: “The non-invasive treatment enhances cellular activity by increasing ATP production – the fuel that powers the cellular processes necessary for healthy hair growth – improving blood circulation to the scalp, reducing inflammation, and prolonging the hair-growth phase known as anagen growth.”

Safe for use at-home in addition to salon and clinical settings, LED treatments are completely painless, with minimal side effects, and maximal compatibility with other hair loss protocols and products. Though, key to remember is that “regular, consistent use of quality LED devices is essential for optimal results,” Gaboardi flags. Below she explains what else you need to know before investing in LED for hair growth.

At-home LED masks versus professional LED treatments

At-home LED devices offer convenience and consistency, whereas professional hands can boost the benefits of LED by factoring the technology into a tailored treatment plan.

At The Light Salon's nationwide salons, for example, LED hair treatments utilise the brand’s pro device boasting precision red 633nm and near-infrared 830nm wavelengths, which its home-use Boost LED Patch (£375) also delivers. However, its expert-led treatment, The Signature (£85), combines LED with nano-dermabrasion, massage and microneedling using Calecim growth factors to revive hair in a more sophisticated manner.

“In an ideal scenario with unlimited resources, an effective treatment plan for hair loss might entail a multifaceted approach,” explains Gaboardi – “beginning with a thorough consultation to assess individual needs and medical history”. This is where a trichologist or dermatologist comes in.

Treatment-wise, she likes the combination of LED mask use alongside Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) for hair growth – complementary actions “which enhance healing, improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and increase treatment effectiveness overall”. At her clinic Gaboardi would couple this with an at-home component.

Given that “regular monitoring and adjustments ensure any treatment plan remains tailored to individual progress and needs,” a professionally guided, bespoke approach to hair regrowth courts maximises results, she says.

What to look for in a LED device for hair growth

With the boom in techy treatments for hair resulting in products ranging from laser combs and helmets to scalp massage devices, it’s hard to know where to start. Heed Gaboardi’s expertise: “When choosing a wearable LED device for the head, it's crucial to prioritise safety, effectiveness, and convenience,” she says.

“Look for FDA-cleared or CE-marked devices emitting the appropriate wavelengths of light. Ensure comfortable fit, user-friendly controls, and ample coverage of the scalp. Consider the brand’s clinical evidence and user reviews for insight into efficacy.” And remember that consistent use is key, so select a device that fits seamlessly into your routine.

The best at-home LED devices for hair

How to enhance the effects of an at-home LED mask

Alongside the tech boom there's a surge in products positioned as promoting hair growth as we all become more conscious of scalp health – and you can indeed bolster investments in a LED mask with topicals.

“To enhance the effects of a home LED hair mask for hair growth and prevention of hair loss, consider incorporating topical products such as a minoxidil solution for stimulating hair follicles, a hair serum with growth factors like biotin and keratinocytes to nourish and strengthen hair, essential oils such as rosemary and peppermint for improved scalp circulation, nutrient-rich scalp treatments containing vitamins and antioxidants, and DHT blockers like saw palmetto extract to inhibit hormone-related hair loss,” offers Gaboardi.

The newest topical elixir on the block she rates is the UKHair Hair Growth Serum. “Enriched with potent ingredients, like AnaGain (pea sprout extract), lemon fruit extract and turmeric, which are all known to promote hair growth and scalp health, it can further bolster the efficacy of LED therapy.” Again, consistent use is the only way to provide comprehensive support for optimal hair regeneration and maintenance – and with both topicals and treatments, professional, personalised recommendations are always advisable for achieving desired results.

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