Liz Truss recalls 'determined' Queen Elizabeth at final meeting

Queen Elizabeth was "absolutely determined to do her duty" just days before she died.
The beloved monarch died aged 96 on 8 September last year and her finally official duty before her passing was to formally ask Liz Truss to form a government following the resignation of Boris Johnson, and the former Prime Minister - who served just 45 days in office - has recalled how "on top" of things was when she met with her at Balmoral two days before she passed away.
Speaking to GB News, Liz said: "Although she was frail, she was absolutely determined to do her duty.
"She was absolutely on top of what was happening and very, very, keen to reassure me we would be meeting again soon.
"I was obviously in the first few days of being prime minister and thinking about the many, many different things.
"But the assumption, absolutely, was this would be the first of many, many meetings.
"She was very determined to do her duty, and right to the end we had a very, very good meeting, and she was upbeat."
As Prime Minister, the politician was given notice of the queen's death a few hours before the public were informed and though she was well aware of Operation London Bridge - the code name for the plans detailing the process between the monarch's passing and up to her funeral - she admitted there was a "big difference" between the way things were set out on paper and the actual human event.
She reflected: "There's a big difference between a plan written on the page and then, the thing we didn't want to happen, happening.
"What was crucial in all this was that we did all we could to pay tribute to the Queen, and also to make sure there was a smooth transition to support the new King."