'Malignant' Trump Torched By His Former Attorney Who Is Predicted To Flip

Former Donald Trump attorney Jenna Ellis appears to have come full circle with her contempt for the ex-president. Maybe.

Back in 2016, Ellis ripped Trump as an “idiot” and a “bully” who “cannot handle criticism” before suddenly changing her tune and backing him in that year’s election. She later became his legal representative as he sought to overturn the 2020 election following his loss to Joe Biden.

Now, Ellis is one of 18 defendants charged alongside Trump in the sprawling Georgia racketeering case — and she’s not happy that Trump isn’t funding her defense, or those of their co-defendants.

Ellis’ griping prompted former assistant attorney general for New York Tristan Snell to suggest last month that she could flip on Trump in the Georgia case:

On Thursday, Ellis said on her American Family Radio show that she had “great love and respect” for Trump on a personal level, but claimed she “simply can’t support him for elected office again,” citing his “malignant, narcissistic tendency to simply say that he’s never done anything wrong.”

Listen to the audio, courtesy of Media Matters, here:

Ellis in March was censured by a Colorado judge for spewing falsehoods about the 2020 election.

She has previously drawn criticism for responding to the hospitalization of Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) with a cruel video, and for hateful comments on the mass shooting at the Club Q gay nightclub in Colorado.
