Meghan McCain Says Ivanka and Melania Are 'Complicit' in Trump's Attack on Widows and the Dead

Meghan McCain is holding nothing back in her response to Donald Trump‘s suggestion at a campaign rally Wednesday night that the late Rep. John Dingell is “looking up” from hell.

In addition to slamming the president — who was impeached by the House of Representatives on Wednesday — Meghan also called Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump “complicit” in his bullying behavior.

“The Be Best anti-bullying crap, I don’t want to hear any more from anybody,” McCain, 35, said on The View on Thursday.

“I don’t want to hear it from Ivanka, I don’t want to hear it from Melania, until you get him in line when it comes to disparaging people,” she continued passionately. “When you’re disparaging widows and people who have served the country and war heroes who are passed — again, I know something about it — until you get [him] in line, you are complicit in this as well.”

Melania has long been criticized for staying silent on her husband’s frequent attacks on his detractors, both online and in speeches, while at the same time promoting a campaign to end cyberbullying through her Be Best initiative.

Ivanka Trump, Meghan McCain, Melania Trump | FADEL SENNA/Getty Images; Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic; Win McNamee/Getty Images
Ivanka Trump, Meghan McCain, Melania Trump | FADEL SENNA/Getty Images; Jason LaVeris/FilmMagic; Win McNamee/Getty Images

RELATED: Rep. John Dingell’s Widow Slams Trump for Suggesting the Congresswoman’s Late Husband Went to Hell

But McCain didn’t stop her criticism at Ivanka and Melania, and slammed Trump himself for the disrespectful comment about Rep. John Dingell, who died in February at age 92.

“There is a special kind of horrific monstrosity in this man that does this type of thing to widows,” Meghan said, adding that her mother, Cindy McCain, who has also had her late husband targeted by Trump, had reached out to Rep. Debbie Dingell, John’s widow.

The talk show host also expressed frustration at the juxtaposition of what she saw as a partisan impeachment and Trump’s “cruel” attacks.

“Everything is so politicized,” Meghan said in reference to the impeachment, in which the House’s Democratic majority overcame Republican resistance on the abuse of power and obstruction of Congress charges.

“And then you see him doing a rally in front of supporters cheering for someone’s death and cheering for a beloved WWII hero and Congressman, and making pain of a family’s Christmastime and grief exponentially worse,” she continued.

“And I don’t understand — if you have no heart, fine. I said yesterday I’d given up on Trump having a conscience or a heart — but the politics of it are so blanking dumb because all the capital you just gained by the complete partisanship that I saw with the impeachment process, he just lost. Because it’s cruel.”

Trump made the remark about John — the longest-serving Congressman in history — “looking up” at his rally in Battle Creek, Michigan, Wednesday night.

His widow Debbie responded to the comment on Twitter on Wednesday, saying that he hurt her “in a way you can never imagine.”

Meghan McCain | The View/YouTube
Meghan McCain | The View/YouTube

RELATED: Donald Trump Impeached by House of Representatives Over Ukraine Scandal

“Mr. President, let’s set politics aside. My husband earned all his accolades after a lifetime of service,” Debbie wrote. “I’m preparing for the first holiday season without the man I love. You brought me down in a way you can never imagine and your hurtful words just made my healing much harder.”

“I’m terribly sorry. Please know I am thinking about you,” Cindy McCain wrote on Twitter in response to Debbie’s tweet.

Meghan also responded on Twitter, writing, “The comments from Trump about Rep Dingell is utterly sick and cruel. I am sending strength to the Dingell family, especially his wife Debbie. Take heed in knowing he only attacks people for whom he is threatened by their great legacies. History will forever judge him very harshly.”

The daughter of Sen. John McCain — who Trump has also famously spoken ill about after his death — also retweeted a video from Trump’s rally, adding, “This is horrific. Just horrific. It’s hard for me to eloquently say how disgusted I am by this. I am just so deeply sorry the Dingell family is being subjected to this bile. Is this what the Trump family version of #BeBest is? Bullying widows at a public rallies? SICK.”