Met Police officer charged with sexual assault

The officer was due to appear at Croydon Magistrates' Court (PA)
The officer was due to appear at Croydon Magistrates' Court (PA)

A serving police officer has been charged with sexual assault.

PC Daniel Beegan, attached to Specialist Crime, was arrested on 31 March last year and was charged on 31 December.

He was ordered to appear at Croydon Magistrates’ Court on Monday charged with one count of sexual assault by touching.

The offence is alleged to have happened on 8 December 2022 when PC Beegan was off-duty and involved a woman.

Detective Superintendent Victoria Sullivan, from the Specialist Crime Command, said: "This is a serious allegation and I recognise it will cause concern.

“Legal proceedings are now under way and it is important to avoid any further commentary while this process takes place."

PC Beegan was placed on restricted duties following his arrest and was later suspended from duty.