Michael Buble fears he looks '15lbs fatter' without his beard

Michael Buble is worried he looks "15lbs fatter" without his beard.
The 47-year-old pop star has shaved off his trademark stubble for the first time in 15 years after his kids told him they didn't like kissing him when he's covered in facial hair - but Michael is now growing it back because he's convinced he looks overweight without it.
Speaking to The Sun newspaper's Bizarre column, the father-of-four explained: "I just shaved for the first time in years and it is so weird. My kids kept saying, ‘Papi, can you shave because when we kiss you it is itchy?’
"So I shaved and then I looked at this face. I haven’t seen this face, I am not kidding you. I haven’t shaved for maybe 15 years. My kids saw me and said, ‘Put the beard back on Papi’. I look eight years younger and 15lbs fatter."
During the interview, Michael also opened up about how he quit partying and adopted a healthy new lifestyle to help him cope with his gruelling touring schedule with the singer admitting he feels much better now he's calmed down.
He explained: "I used to have so much fun partying. Then I realised I can’t do it any more ... It is a matter of not partying too hard.
"As I have gotten older I have become more disciplined. I am like an athlete out there. I want to stay healthy because I want to put on a show I think people deserve. I am bound by certain perimeters."