Mitchell Coombes

Mitchell Coombes is Australia’s most trusted psychic medium, and the nationally acclaimed 2011 Psychic of the Year! His best-selling books and television appearances have transformed lives and brought comfort to thousands.

Twitter: @mitchellcoombes

What is your idea of happiness?

Happiness is not something found outside of yourself. True Happiness comes from within.

Who do you most admire?

The spirit world and my team of angels and spirit helpers.

What is your biggest regret?

No regrets! Life is about living in the present not agonising over should've, would've, could 've.

What is your greatest achievement?

I was honoured to be awarded the nationally acclaimed 2011 Psychic of the Year by the Australian Psychics Association. Completing my first book 'Sensing Spirit' and my second book 'Sensing Psychic' which is due out later this year.

What is your most treasured possession?

A vintage tealeaf reading cup from 1925 printed with special symbols! My Nanna Lucy taught me to read tea leaves when I was only 6 year old.

What do you appreciate the most about your friends?

Their honesty, loyalty and infectious sense of fun, joy, and laughter they all radiate with!

What is your favourite food and drink?

I'm a very fussy eater - it's largely due to the fact that the moon was in the sign of Virgo when I was born.

Do you have any nicknames? How did you get them?

No nicknames - but when I walk into a clothing store and the sales clerk asks if I'm a small ... I always reply with no I'm a 'medium'.

Who was your first celebrity crush?

I've done readings for some of them.... but I don't kiss and tell.

Finish this sentence. I love The Morning Show because...

Every week it allows me to bring messages of healing, inspiration and the world of spirit to so many people.