Mouse warning sign in Dawson Creek, B.C., fuels laughter

A city sign warning of a mouse may have been artfully adjusted by a citizen prankster in Dawson Creek, B.C. (submitted by Natasha Kiyawasew - image credit)
A city sign warning of a mouse may have been artfully adjusted by a citizen prankster in Dawson Creek, B.C. (submitted by Natasha Kiyawasew - image credit)

Large wildlife wandering into town can be serious cause for concern in Dawson Creek, B.C., prompting officials to notify the public.

But a city sign warning of a mouse has people talking. And giggling.

Natasha Kiyawasew spotted the "Caution mouse in area" sign while walking on the Dawson Trail behind the town's library. The photo she posted to social media has gone viral.

"I told everyone to be cautious because there's a dangerous mouse in the area," said Kiyawasew.

"Everyone's just been laughing. I got over 200 people who liked the post and had so many people commenting I decided to turn off the comments."


Dawson Creek is in northeastern B.C., close to the Alberta border.

Along with many mice, Kiyawasew said it's not uncommon to see bears or moose within city limits.

In fact, a closer examination of the sign reveals that the "u" in the word "mouse" is an artful adjustment made to the second "o" in the word "moose."

So, not a typo, says a City of Dawson Creek official. Rather a moose warning that fell prey to a mysterious prankster.

"Although the city does not condone adjusting signs, especially since replacing them requires use of taxpayer dollars, we are not above a chuckle with this one," said Dawson Creek communications manager Melissa Love.

"Fortunately, we don't often see folks tweaking our permanent signage in our community; this is more of a one-off situation."