One in 10 men worried their hairline will end their relationship

mid adult man with alopecia looking at mirror, hair loss concept
Hair loss affects millions of men and is a source of worry and anxiety for many. (Getty Images)

Hair plays a major role in body confidence, and losing it can be very difficult to deal with. In fact, new research shows that one in 10 men are even worried that hair loss and receding hairlines might result in their partner leaving them.

A survey carried out by health and wellness platform Hims found that more than a third (36%) of 1,000 men polled said their hair is the most important part of their look, with 21% admitting they think about how it looks all the time.

But, male pattern baldness is very common among British men, affecting around 6.5 million men. The condition usually starts with thinning of the hair which later leads to wider hair loss.

This means that going bald is a serious worry for men. Nearly 40% of those surveyed said they would feel far less confident if they lost their hair, with more than a fifth (22%) worried that their friends and family would see them differently.


Aside from fearing that their partner might leave them if they lost their hair, the men polled also revealed the other reasons they are anxious about the prospect.

Three in 10 (31%) said they were worried about feeling less attractive, while a fifth worried that other people would make fun of them. In addition, 17% said that losing their hair would mean losing a huge part of their identity.

Commenting on the research, Dr Mia Jing Gao, medical advisor at Hims, says: "Our research clearly shows that male pattern hair loss significantly impacts men’s confidence and, consequently, their day-to-day lives.

"Despite concerns, many men are either unaware that treatments are available or are too afraid to seek treatment due to the substantial stigma surrounding the issue. Male pattern hair loss can be addressed in an affordable and pain-free manner."


The research revealed that more than half (53%) of men wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about their hair loss with friends and family.

How to talk about hair loss with your partner

Woman expressing empathy and compassion, encouraging husband man with prosthetic leg at home
You can approach conversations about hair loss with your partner with empathy. (Getty Images)

If your partner is experiencing hair loss and is too anxious to bring it up, it may be helpful to show them that you are there to support them.

Dr Gao tells Yahoo UK how you can approach conversations about hair loss with your partner.

Opt for the right setting

"Before any conversations can begin, you should ensure that you create the right setting for your conversation," Dr Gao advises.

"Try to pick a quiet and private space, allow for plenty of time to meaningfully engage in conversation without disturbance, and check with each other that you’re both in the right headspace to explore the topic."

Lead with compassion

As hair loss can be very personal and affects everyone differently, Dr Gao says leading any conversation about it with empathy is key.


"Let your partner know that you are aware that the topic might not be easy to talk about, and highlight that you are there for them. Initiate the conversation by expressing your support. For instance, you might say, ‘I realise this might be a sensitive subject, but I want to be here for you’.

"It’s important to let your partner drive the conversation from there. They may need time and space to express themselves. Actively listen to them, ensuring your responses are understanding and validating rather than overly-solutions-based. Let your partner know they’re not alone in this and that you’re there to support them through it."

Maintain a positive, loving tone

Dr Gao says: "Your goal when discussing your partner's hair loss should be to reassure them of your affection and attraction towards them regardless. The conversation should be based around your love and appreciation for who they are as a person, so be prepared to list off several reasons why you love and are attracted to them.

"We recommend sharing your thoughts using ‘I’ statements to avoid accidentally critiquing your partner. For example, say, ‘I've noticed you seem concerned about your hair. I want you to know I'm here for you, whatever you need’. By using language like this, your partner will be less likely to feel defensive, yielding better results."

Handsome young caucasian man touching his hair and looking in the bathroom mirror. Male pulling his hair and thinking of getting a haircut. Concerned man worried about dandruff, receding hairline or hair loss
Many men say they worry that losing their hair will mean losing a large part of their identity, according to research by Hims. (Getty Images)

When the time is right, explore solutions together

Research by Hims shows that more than half (57%) of British men don’t know what hair loss treatments are available to them - but many are becoming more open to solutions. One in 10 men are willing to pay as much as £5,000 for hair loss solutions, the data revealed.


Dr Gao adds: "Clearly, this can be a tricky subject and there are so many options available from oral medications, to topical sprays and hair transplants. If your partner is open to exploring hair loss treatment, rest assured that there is likely to be a treatment option out there that’s well suited for them."

Understand when to end a tough conversation

"Rome wasn’t built in a day, and most tricky conversations aren’t solved with one chat. With hair loss being such a sensitive issue, it can be difficult for those affected to put their feelings into words.

"If your partner is not ready to discuss their hair loss, the best course of action is to respect their space rather than pressing the issue and let them know you are ready and willing to talk whenever they feel comfortable doing so."

Watch: This TikToker is growing his hair back from male pattern baldness

Read more about hair loss and relationships: