Wales: Over half of journeys break default 20mph limit in built-up areas, new report says

More than half of journeys in Wales exceed the default 20mph speed limit in built-up areas, according to a new report.

And drivers are going faster than the enforcement threshold (26mph) in nearly one in five miles on the restricted roads.

That threshold has been set by GoSafe Wales at 10% plus 4mph higher than the 20mph limit.

The report found speeds had "increased very slightly" three months since the rollout on 17 September following a "dramatic" change after the implementation of the default limit.

The policy has proved controversial, with a petition calling for it to be reversed becoming the most-signed ever on the Senedd's website.

Politicians in Cardiff Bay said they received "threatening messages" over the limit.

Compliance with the speed limit is "broadly good", according to IT company Agilysis which carried out the research.

Over 7,000 sections of road were examined and average speeds were down 2.4mph compared to speeds before the change.

But its report found 52.9% of all analysed journeys were driven above the 20mph speed limit.

And 17.9% of miles in those areas were driven above the enforcement threshold.

Agilysis says this does not mean that one in five drivers will be fined as they "are known to adjust their behaviour close to enforcement locations".

Nearly one in 10 miles were driven at or above the old 30mph speed limit, figures showed.

The data analysis firm found the introduction of enforcement this month to be "an important next step in achieving greater compliance across the road network".

Earlier this month, first minister Mark Drakeford said "genuinely confused" drivers would not be fined.

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Speeds in 10 towns and cities across Wales were examined in the report.

The greatest drop in speeds was seen in Bangor (-3.2mph) and the smallest reduction was in Merthyr Tydfil (-1.3mph).