Police hunt suspect after bike stolen at knifepoint in Homerton

The incident happened outside Homerton Overground Station (Google Maps)
The incident happened outside Homerton Overground Station (Google Maps)

Police are searching for a man who allegedly stole a bicycle at knifepoint in east London.

The incident happened at around 9.40pm on Monday outside Homerton Overground Station on Berger Road.

A man brandishing a knife threatened two other men before stealing the bicycle.

Officers attended but both the suspect and the two victims had left the scene.

There have been no arrests and enquiries continue.

Earlier this month police also issued CCTV footage of another man they want to speak to about a series of mobile phone robberies at knifepoint on trains.

A cyclist also said he was “bike jacked” by knife-wielding robbers on mopeds in London’s Regent’s Park in April.

There has been a spate of such attacks in the park with cyclists using the park ring road for training roads.

Anyone who witnessed the incident in Homerton, or has footage that could assist police, is asked to call 101 or ‘X’ @MetCC and quote 01/378864/24. You can also contact Crimestoppers anonymously.