Police lay 18 child pornography charges against Windsor man

A Windsor Police Service cruiser pictured in a 2022 file photo.  (Jennifer La Grassa/CBC - image credit)
A Windsor Police Service cruiser pictured in a 2022 file photo. (Jennifer La Grassa/CBC - image credit)

A Windsor man is facing more than a dozen charges related to child pornography, Windsor police said Monday.

Windsor police in January launched an investigation into a man suspected of sharing child sexual abuse images online.

Police executed a search warrant at an Elm Avenue home on Wednesday and seized 12 cell phones, a laptop, desktop and two tablets, two USB drives and four hard drives. One person was arrested and charged.

A 29-year-old man has been charged with six counts each of possession of child pornography, accessing child pornography and making available child pornography.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the Windsor police internet child exploitation unit, or CrimeStoppers to remain anonymous.