What is the New Popular Front and who will be PM of a divided assembly?

man on bike rides past posters for New Popular Front

The New Popular Front is an alliance of Socialists, Ecologists, Communists and France Unbowed (LFI) formed after President Macron called a snap parliamentary election on 9 June.

These parties have previously criticised one another and have some key differences in their ideology and approach. But they decided to form a bloc to keep the far right out of government.

The NPF has promised to scrap the pension and immigration reforms passed by the current government, to set up a rescue agency for undocumented migrants and to facilitate visa applications.

It also wants to put caps on basic goods to combat the cost of living crisis and raise the minimum wage.

There was rejoicing at 20:00 local time (19:00 GMT) in the left-wing camp when the projections were published.

Against every expectation the National Rally had fallen from a clear first place in round one a week ago, to third place in round two.

It now looks set to secure - at most - 150 seats in the assembly, some way behind the New Popular Front on the left and supporters of President Macron in the centre.

It seems the calls from all the other parties to block the far-right’s coming to government have worked very effectively: Jordan Bardella will not be the next French prime minister.

Who will be is another matter.

The fact is that none of the three big blocs has an outright majority in the Assembly.

What beckons therefore is a period of haggling over an eventual coalition forming around a programme still undefined.

The left – flush from their strong performance – will expect a very strong voice.

LFI leader Jean-Luc Mélenchon has said Prime Minister Gabriel Attal should resign and stated the NPF is ready to govern France.