Prince and Princess of Wales take tube to London pub

The Prince and Princess of Wales travelled by tube to a London pub on Thursday (04.05.23).
Prince William and his wife Catherine boarded the London Underground at Acton Main Line in west London, where they chatted to Transport for London (TfL) workers about their plans for King Charles' coronation this weekend, before travelling three stops on the Elizabeth Line to Tottenham Court Road, where they got off to head to the Dog + Duck in Soho.
According to Britain's HELLO! magazine, Catherine was asked about the coronation and said: "Yes, it's going to be a busy time. We're getting there. I still feel like we're trying to get ducks in a row."
William enjoyed a pint in the pub and admitted he loved chatting to people in bars.
He told a group of local businessmen: "You always have the best conversations in pubs – you never know who you are going to meet."
But the 40-year-old prince joked he would have to watch how much he drank and "get back into work mode".
He echoed his comments when he left the pub, telling waiting crowds he had "just had a bit of cider" but would be putting his responsibilities first.
According to People magazine, he said: "I will drink after the coronation but not now."
The couple's eldest son, Prince George, nine, will be one of Charles' Pages of Honour at Westminster Abbey and the princess said the youngster was "excited" about the ceremony and had been taking part in rehearsals.
William expressed his concern about rain putting a dampener on the celebrations.
He told well-wishers outside the pub: "Crossing fingers for the weather!"
Catherine said the atmosphere in the area was "wonderful" and she could see excitement for the coronation is "already starting to build".
William added: "We have a lot of visitors. We are getting people from all over the world. Fantastic."
He spoke French to one couple, using basic phrases such as "hello" and "how are you" but they were not too impressed.
Maud Garmy told People magazine: "His French is not that good."