Religious magazine sorry for homophobic comments

Gair y Dydd
Gair y Dydd is published every three months and includes daily religious reflections [BBC]

A reverend who wrote in a magazine that the Bible "condemns homosexual acts" has apologised for offensive comments.

Rev Peter Harries Davies wrote in Welsh-language publication Gair y Dydd (Word of the Day) that the Bible says “sexual change goes against God's natural order”.

Rev Dylan Rhys Parry - who recently shared his experience of coming out - said the comments were "hurtful".

Rev Harries Davies said his “intention is not to cause harm to anyone” and apologised if he had.

The magazine's editorial committee apologised for any offence caused to readers.

Gair y Dydd is published every three months by the Bible Reading Committee on behalf of the Presbyterian Church of Wales, the Roman Catholic Church, the Methodist Church, the Church in Wales, the Welsh Congregationalists Union, and the Baptist Union of Wales.

One of the August "reflections" is on homosexuality.

The reflection referred to Deuteronomy [Getty Images]

Rev Harries Davies, minister of the Baptist chapel in Glanaman, Carmarthenshire, said the Bible does not condemn "homosexuals or bisexual people" but "condemns homosexual acts".

He also thanked God for "creating man male and female to enjoy the loving company of one another and thereby multiply the human race".

Rev Rhys Parry said he had to "think seriously" if he would continue to buy Gair y Dydd.

He said: "The comments are harsh and more than expressing an opinion. They hurt.

"Everyone has their interpretation of the Bible and mine is different."

LGBTQ+ community "is a community that has been challenged and insulted consistently," he said.

"I do not expect our Christian community in Wales to add to the struggle.

"God created me for what I am and I do not see myself or anyone else from the LGBTQ+ community as a problem."

Responding to the reaction, Rev Harries Davies said: "Sexuality is not limited to homosexual people only and so the reflection refers to single people and non-sexual people.

“Variety can be found on the majority sexual pattern and change in a person's sexuality.

"But the grace of Christ is necessary in the life of Christians to overcome sexual acts whether gay or adulterous."

Rev Harries Davies also referred to to an organisation called Exodus in the article, saying the help available challenges "homophobia and homosexual life" and offers support to "homosexual people and their families".

He later clarified this was an "association of gay Christians who have come out of homosexuality but still struggle with their strong feelings".

He said gay Christians were valuable in God's eyes and were loved, not condemned, by fellow Christians.

"Many gay people have very difficult experiences and the hate they have experienced is unacceptable," he added.

Rev Judith Morris, chair of the editorial committee, said Gair y Dydd was a "valuable and rich resource".

"The contributors include ordained ministers as well as lay people and they represent a wide range of theological views that exist within the churches today.

"The individual authors are responsible for the content and the committee does not necessarily agree with what is expressed in the reflections.

"We apologise if the text... caused offense to any of our readers.

"As a committee we are keen to learn and to improve the ways in which we operate."